The Brigade's Secret

Rubin was a child when he was taken from Sector Nine, saved by the famous Ravelo who died saving him. Taken in by the Reoba, a magic type folk that weren't really human and weren't really demons or anything, he grew up different. He was different from everyone else, and he never understood why. Not until one night when suddenly everything changes...and he's thrust into a journey to find the truth about everything.

The Brigade's Secret Chapter One- Rubin

Bara Valley, 1:34pm, Early Winter Small village somewhere in the Forest near the Garasai Mountains. The boy was grown now, nearly thirteen years of age. For the past twelve years

The Brigade's Secret Prologue- Escape from Sector Nine

Sector Nine, 3:05am, Midwinter Somewhere west of Arazar City. The baby, nearly two months old, cried as it was carried through the narrow halls of Sector Nine.