Clementine and her Stalker

A chance encounter on Stamford Meadows changes Tony Williams' life in ways he could scarcely have imagined

Clementine and her Stalker Chapter One

CLEMENTINE and her STALKER Chapter One I was leaning on the railings when I first saw her. Just idly watching the ducks paddle down the stream...

Clementine and her Stalker Chapter Two

Chapter Two I returned to my lodgings, head spinning. Surprise, and yes, elation after literally bumping into Clem, her cheeky remark about me being...

Clementine and her Stalker

Chapter Three All that weekend, I couldn’t keep my mind off that scene in the passage of Clem being intercepted – for that was what had happened. If...

Clementine and her Stalker, Chapter Three continued

After we’d settled into the carriage – first class of course – Clem seemed to be intent on punishing her father in every conceivable way, I was drawn...

Clementine and her Stalker Chapter Four

Chapter Four Hamborough Hall July 2019 The Earl of Hamborough, James Peter St Lodes paced the spacious marble hallway of Hamborough Hall, his ruddy...

Clementine and Her Stalker Chapter Five

Chapter Five Clementine heard the brisk taps on her bedroom door before it swung open and her mother thrust herself into the room, her lengthy stride...