Blackhorse Road

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Blackhorse Road

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What's the best thing about the UK?

The NHS?
Stephen Fry?
The Queen?
Stuart William Ramsay?
Manchester United?

Anonymous's picture
Who's been talking about me behind my (virtual) back? Man, us four just bossed the threads today. Wu Tang style.
Anonymous's picture
i love it when you talk rap...oooey
Anonymous's picture
Whats the best thing about Britain? Well the NSH is right up there. Where else in the world can anyone walk of the street and into a hospital and be treated no matter who they are or how much they have? I'm very proud of our NHS, its understaffed and underfunded but hell as our tax isn't 40% (unless we're rich) it's always gonna be. The fact that it exists at all makes me proud to be British. What else makes me proud? Our education system is free and acessabe to all. Or benefit system helps thousands of people ever day. Our policemen don't carry guns. We have freedom of speech and freedom of press. We encompass hundreds of different cultures in our society with relatively few problems. Our language grows and changes even as our society does. We know how small we are on the map but we don't feel small or live small. We have a strong economy. We have no lower class. The poor rich divide is irrevlevent. The list goes on. Yup. Pretty proud to be British. Take a look at the rest of the world.
Anonymous's picture
Oh yeah I almost forgot the most important thing. With a UK passport I'm welcome any where in the world.
Anonymous's picture
Stuart don't you come from Sarf London. That's not the same city as far as I'm concerned. Never cross the Thames if I can help it
Anonymous's picture
> We have no lower class. er... > i love it when you talk rap...oooey Thanks sugar. Listen let's lose this crowd. Let's swap a few sexually repressed, flirty geek emails. I've got some special jpegs here on this disk. In this one I'm only wearing a pair of calf length socks. And you'll see, I'm not like his Lordship; I don't have male pattern baldness. Except on my a r s e. My @!#$ and his Lordship's head bear a striking resemblance actually. In fact I once walked backwards into the Burgeon offices naked doing a handstand and Mark Brown said 'Mornin' Toe. Coffee?' So pull up to my bumper babe and let's get it on. Or let's get at least half of it on. I don't know if I can handle a whole one. Not with my piles.
Anonymous's picture
you don't know what you're missing. south london is much nicer than north. i come from north london and live in south. i am much happier. but we won't go into that ole debate
Anonymous's picture
ok cool you go first stuold. will you promise not to wear your trainers and suit when we half get it on?
Anonymous's picture
I'm getting Jealous Marchy!!!!
Anonymous's picture
like the way jealous is capped Flashy. the other half of the get on can be yours.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
this thread is really making me laugh. Carry on... It's not male pattern baldness, by the way, it's alopecia - a much misunderstood affliction! Some women find it very sexy - or so I'm told!
Anonymous's picture
But you're seducing Skeeter a couple of threads below, man you must be Some Woman. Gosh this thread has tooed and frooed like no one's buisness. And i even found out that i'm moody and jealous, do women find that attractive or just childish? Marchy?
Anonymous's picture
depends how it comes out. if it means you get all pouty (moody) and then randy (jealous) it could be good. if it's stony silent (moody) and violent (jealous) then erm no. this is me talking off top of my (non bald) head here so don't sue me. i am Some Woman. i am also All Good Woman.
Anonymous's picture
See that marcy baby? His Lordship just granted his Regal permission for you and me to 'carry on'. And I won't need no suit sweet peaches, I won't need no trainers either. I may, however, require a surgical support, a bag of drugs and a personal development advisor.
Anonymous's picture
I'm the sulky sucky thumb type, is that good or bad?
Anonymous's picture
what that dribbles down his chin?
Anonymous's picture
afraid so.
Anonymous's picture
that would be bad then.
Anonymous's picture
Gosh you're wonderful.
Anonymous's picture
Hey Flashman. Back off my shorty before I bust a cap in your aston martin. Bitch.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Down, boys, down.
Anonymous's picture
*calls for Stuarts personal development advisor as a matter of urgency*
Anonymous's picture
Right. That's me bods. I've got to pop into the doc's on the way home to get a script for my brain pills. So... Yes..... SNOOCH TO THE NOOCH EVERYBODY!
Anonymous's picture
Seeing the best footy team is in the North of the city, the sexiest guys live North of the river I'll stay on this side thanks
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
And the best website in the world is in an office north of the river...
Anonymous's picture
Hear, Hear
Anonymous's picture
"depends how it comes out. if it means you get all pouty (moody) and then randy (jealous) it could be good. " "Hey Flashman. Back off my shorty before I bust a cap in your aston martin. Bitch." Marchy looks like Stuey has all your requirements, never heard the term shorty before, it sounds derogatory to me but i don't wish to know cos i'm a gentleman.
Anonymous's picture
am i the shorty? you can't see me can you stuey? fraid i was long gone by the time you wrote this...
Anonymous's picture
Morning. Shorty means squeeze or girlfriend. As in '... go shorty. It's your birthday. We gonna party like it's your birthday,' from In Da Club.
Anonymous's picture
ooey. have you just got into work? tsk.
Anonymous's picture
I actually work at work sometimes you know dear.
Anonymous's picture
is that a patronising dear, dear?
Anonymous's picture
Dear! dear!
Anonymous's picture
that list would actually sum up the worst things about the UK. oh except you of course. you never said what snooch to the nooch meant btw (see 'what's your least impressive celeb story)
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, but the NHS is a bad thing?
Anonymous's picture
Anti-list 1.Jamie Oliver,Gordon Ramsey, Anthony Worrall Thompson,Gary Rhodes etc.... 2.Brian Sewell 3.Jeremy Paxman, jermey clarkson,ann robinson,Kilroyetc. 4.spam pudding 6.boiled meat 7.The Royal family 8.The Class system. 9.Max Hastings 10 ITV 11Nhs 12Alistair Campbell 13Badger baiting, hare coursing and fox hunting and stag hunting. 14country folk who say town folk don't understand country life. 15 The BBC 16Banks 17Ntl 18Arsenal 19boybands 20marmite
Anonymous's picture
Now that's not very positive is it? Quiet round these parts this morning.
Anonymous's picture
NHS isn't a bad thing but the way they run it is. maybe the thread ain't inspiring people. Flashy you need to add football to the list. o and corned beef, spam fritters (did anyone see that That'll Teach em prog last night. was actually quite funny), Posh n Becks, horsey women...the list could go on...
Anonymous's picture
My threads uninspiring? How dare you. Why the last one I started got a huge response. Posh 'n' Becks aren't actually in this country anymore. And they're ace anyway.
Anonymous's picture
The list is infinite and yes Stuey not very positive. Mars bars fried in batter what would Churchill say?
Anonymous's picture
"I'll have a dozen" judging by the size of him.
Anonymous's picture
Gosh Stuey that is like an electric shock, you're right. very Funny too L.
Anonymous's picture
Posh n Becks ace. ARE YOU STARK STARING MAD???? I wish you wouldn't generalise on my comments. i didn't say your threads, i said this thread. Flashy keep on calling him Stuey he hates it.
Anonymous's picture
Actually Marchy i think he likes being called Stuey. Btw i'm still floating on air after that virtual reality kiss you gave me the other day. But Shaniaiaiaiaiaia is on fire.
Anonymous's picture
do you know what, i think it's just the four of us in here. plenty more virtual kisses to be had if you play your cards right. think i just saw you waving at me outside my window. Shaniaiaiaiaia is dire.
Anonymous's picture
How old are you people?
Anonymous's picture
What did he look like? 40 yrs old Stugorr. Why did you call this thread Blackhorse Road?
Anonymous's picture
didn't catch too much detail cos it was quick as a flash...ho ho ho. how old are you? and i think we've both answered that in previous threads whereas you i believe haven't. although you did and then it was challenged and then well i can't remember what happened after that. (was that a patronising question when you asked that?)
Anonymous's picture
Flash took the words out of my mouth. I thought Stu was trying to drum up business again as Blackhorse Road is the drugs and sex capital of Walthamstow
Anonymous's picture
> was that a patronising question Yes. > i can't remember what happened after that I'm 42. > Why did you call this thread Blackhorse Road? I'm not telling you. > ARE YOU STARK STARING MAD???? No. > keep on calling him Stuey he hates it No I don't. > you never said what snooch to the nooch meant Google. > the NHS is a bad thing? No. It's a good thing.


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