Picks for the month of July very kindly chosen by Helen Richardson/Philip Sidney:

July warmed us up for summer with an influx of sizzling writing, so to choose two outstanding pieces has taken considerable deliberation.
In the end I've gone with gut feeling and chosen two pieces that took me somewhere new and showed me a different way of living.  
Story of the month is, Point Blank Range, by TJW.  TJW creates a distinct voice that takes us into the eye of a storm - somehow we survive. The piece uses a range of styles that roll with the emotions, this is done with such skill that shifts are seamless and the reader rolls with it.  If you've not read TJW yet you're in for a harrowing treat.
Poem of the month is, Tail End, by Parson Thru.  This beautifully pared down painting of a poem also takes us into a break in the weather.  Wonderfully meditative and observational, we can see the irony that the best travel writing is still, quiet and shows the power of small moments.
Whether you are summering in wet Britain or are hot and bothered in scorching Europe, I hope both pieces bring you a little relief and inspire you to get posting yourself.
PS x


Thank you so much Helen/Philip. Sorry to come to the party so late. I'm over the moon, as they say. Thank you.

Parson Thru