Chasing the Afterthought

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Chasing the Afterthought

I think 'Chasing the Afterthought' is a beautiful piece.
I cannot understand why it has not got a cherry.
What does everyone else think?

Anonymous's picture
It is beautiful. Sad, but beautiful.
stormy pretzel
Anonymous's picture
it has only just come on the site and, judging from the time it was posted - less than an hour ago, it has not been through the filter. therefore an editor has not seen it yet. sometimes cherries appear straight away, sometimes a day later and sometimes not at all.
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for the info stormy! It's not you that been trying to rid the world of that awful Bush character is it?
Anonymous's picture
I liked this poem a lot. It is unreal in a real manner.... my style! *perhaps real in an unreal manner as well... my style also!* :o)) ==================skydolphin
stormy pretzel
Anonymous's picture
Dubbya: 'achhraka.....ka....ka' George snr: 'read my lips, NO NOO PRETZELS!' Agent Heinlich: 'Don't worry sir, I'll out manoeuvre them' Big Al Gore: 'bugger' Tone Blurgh: 'what a choker, I nearly became new world leader there' Alistair: 'Shut up and have a crisp'
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for the laugh stormy - it did me a power of good!
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