Little Greco

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Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
I still like Mattie (for a girl) - it's what my eldest is called and she still likes it 28 years on. And congratulations too...
Paul Greco
Anonymous's picture
Reese Witherspoon. (American girly spelling.)
Anonymous's picture
Come on Paul - Rhys gimpy Evans, and Reece name-of-a-ropey-pub Witherspoon... you're coming round to my way of thinking, arent you?
Anonymous's picture
Ifas? Evans? feck knows...
Anonymous's picture
Flash I know - I was saying that Callum is as good a Scottish name Rhys is Welsh - see abov posts :-)
Anonymous's picture
Oh I AM!
wanderin' walter.
Anonymous's picture
hope she is too!
Anonymous's picture
Isn't 'Callum' Irish?
smillieboy(not ...
Anonymous's picture
I think it's Celtic, so is kinda dual purpose Scots/Irish.
Anonymous's picture
congrats grecos everywhere...and as for telling people, well i think people are aware that fertility is always very susceptible to the as many people have said already..enjoy.... my maniac girlfriend and i told everyone as soon as we could..then we found out it was twins...then the hospital accidentally let us know it was two boys..then they were born fifteen weeks prematurely weighing a feather short of two pounds...two days after they were born we suddenly had to name it was aubrey and edmund...for no reason whatsoever...just liked them...afterwards we found out that there was an aubrey in the family and as for edmund...well we just like it. they're coming home this week, after 21 weeks in hospital, the hospitals we've been in have been all's well that's ended well... congrats and cross your fingers and toes and don't feed black cats after midnight....
Anonymous's picture
I always thought numbers were the way to go: 'Seven' for instance, or 'Ten' Obviously 'One' and 'Two' are out. Whaddyathink?
Anonymous's picture
Having had a miscarriage at 8 weeks when I was 31, on my birthday of all days, I would suggest you hold your horses for just a little while longer before you whip out the naming book. I don't mean to be pessimistic and I certainly wish you very good luck, but it's still very early days yet. I didn't name my second child until she was three days old. The name we had for her, Fiona, just didn't work once she actually arrived and we realised she didn't look like a Fiona at all.
Anonymous's picture
Tommy for a boy. Gemma for a girl.
Anonymous's picture
Isn't a Fiona an Italian sports car?
Anonymous's picture
Oh and congratulation to you and your wife. Hope everything goes well.
Anonymous's picture
Er, I think you are thinking of either Fiat or Ferrari. Neither of which would suit my daughter. They would have to call one 'Dramatic Actress' for me to name her after a car. And PG, forgive my severity! I'm rather superstitious about these things, as I was very excited and told everyone, and a week later wound up having to tell everyone that I was no longer expecting. In Iceland they don't tell a soul until at least three months gone. Sorry man. Nothing worse than a stormcrow. Really, really good luck. xx
Anonymous's picture
There's a name.... Ferrari Thompson... That would work either way too.


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