You've got me in your pocket

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You've got me in your pocket

I really enjoyed this. It had a lovely soft humour and was well constructed.

No, I liked it too. I liked the 07 of the number, and I liked the appearance of the word 'thesauras'.
And the stuffing it behind a pillow.
Funny how Tim finds it hard to accept praise! Whenever he's cherried or commented upon he always says : 'just a doodle' or ' a mere bagatelle' or 'words to that effect'. IT'S VERY GOOD. ACCEPT IT.
3 minutes or 3 hours - i produce the sum total of twaddle, i keep trying though, but definetly not for here - its private and believe me its better that way. However i am really enjoying the poetry on this site, some of ot blows me away - so ty to all those who can. Juliet


sorry BBF it's all me me me, i really liked the poem particularly the title that works on the two levels. Juliet


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