Dividing Chapters in your stories

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Dividing Chapters in your stories

Hi all, this is my first forum post so be nice ;P
Basically, I am starting to have nagging thoughts that my chapters are too long.
They range from 9-17 A5 pages in length. The reason that I decide to begin and end chapters where I do, is because there is a break in time or because the setting changes. Does this seem like a valid reason? Or is there a bettr system for breaking up your work?

Kind of a daft question but it get people talking :P
Thanks for reading

Hi RJ, If I was reading a novel or similar, I would expect chapter lengths to be closer to 17 pages, but I think it has much to do with the type of story and the desired pace of it. You sound like you're doing right by using breaks in time/setting to end them. I think chapter breaks are pretty naturally occuring things - I don't usually find myself thinking 'this chapter's a bit long', but maybe they do have an effect on my enjoyment of a book as a whole without me realising.
Thanks for your comment, usually I dont think about the length either but on some comments I have received, they state that the chapters are very long, however if i made them any shorter, the storyline would be so bitty it would suck :P
Hello RJcreatives, I think it depends on whether you post whole chapters on this site. If you posted something like a 17 page chapter on here then I don't think it would get many reads if any. If you look at some of Jolono's postings you will see his postings are about 1000 - 1500 words long and he gets plenty of readings. Mind you, his stories are bloody good. Good luck with your writing whatever you decide to do. Moya
Hi Danzella, I do kinda post the whole chapter without splitting it into different items for people to read. Enough people are reading them and they like my work, but it is daunting when you just keep scrolling and scrolling :P In future when I write long chapters I will probably add (part 1 of 3) or whatever extention onto the name, just so people dont think 'Haha...no' :P Thanks for your comment
Honestly it doesn't really matter. You get the same ammount regardless. I'd rather read 17 pieces than 34, even if they're the same length, psychological, you know?

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Realistically, no its probably totally inferior :P i was just trying to expand myself as a writer but if people dont ming reading a block of about 4500 words in one go then im not going to argue with thay ;P
I think the real question is "Should you split your chapters into smaller chunks for the purpose of reading online?" rather than splitting them down within your actual novel. I read what I can, when I can, but can't always dedicate half an hour to reading a chapter of something here. But if you have to leave a long chapter/story in the middle of it, you find it difficult to pick it up again. Posting them online in 1,000-1,500 chunks might work best (labeling them 'Part 1' etc, as you say), but keep the lengthy chapters as they are in your actual MS.