A few glitches

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A few glitches
The new site looks great!
As per your request, just pointing out a few glitches...
> The main 'WRITE' button on the homepage doesn't work (the one with the thumbnail of the writing hand)
> When adding a new story, I can't add it to a collection... until I go back in and edit
> Again when adding a new story, Full Justify doesn't appear to work
> Minor point, but... why are the titles on my latest 2 stories italicised? (on the summaries page)
Mostly, though, loving not having to use HTML for formatting... & being able to add images into the text!
Oh just one other thing I meant to mention before the site changed... could we possibly have a 'Surreal' story category?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Hi pepsoid, Thanks for that! I already fixed the first point and working on the second. > If your story has an italic title it means that hasn't been read for one of the editors. > I'll look at the justified text button, but this is a third party editor..


Hello.I can see that a few old comments on poems have vanished. Also, I couldn't put one or more of the poems into a collection? But I like the new look and the comments coming through in emails rather than having to click on the site address.Cheers!


Yes I noticed the vanishing comments, don't want to nit-pick though. Gold stars replacing swirly things are a definite improvement. Appreciate it all takes time.
I'm old and creaky, let me think of a few moans and I'll get back to you. *new fangled stuff, bloomin' whippersnappers*


Thx admin! ;) The big button works now. Will test t'other stuff when I next post a story.

The All New Pepsoid the Second!