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I have mentioned this before. In the "Who's New" section there are people who, when you click on their name, have a URL linking to sites outside of ABC promoting all sorts of rubbish.

I wonder if anyone from Admin is keeping an eye on this. Whenever I come on the site I look there for these and there they are!! Someone said they're just getting used to the site, I don't beleive that..


Terry (pikeruk)

Most spam is removed autmatically. The ones that slip through are removed manually, and the new users section is checked at least twice daily for that purpose. The two spam links you noticed today had been posted in the last two hours. The new users list was checked for spam earlier this moring, and will be checked again later on today. Hope that helps


Glad you're keeping an eye insert. there seems to be a lot of the unexplicable names spammers coming on just lately. Thanks for the information.

