recognition with a cherry

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recognition with a cherry

Love them or hate them there is no denying that cherries really help get stories/poems read. I'm the first to admit that I only ever read cherry picked stuff- I also think that's a real shame and I'm probably missing out on some great work. Work that is probably better than a lot of cherry picked stuff.

What I put forward to all you ABCers, if I could momentarily interupt your benchpressing/wicker basket weaving/drinking meths (delete where applicable, or fill in other __________), is what is your favourite piece of work that has never been cherry picked?

tel el
Anonymous's picture
time for change by phlegboy totally wicked comedy
Anonymous's picture
"Mrs Appleby" by frances was a piece I enjoyed reading.
Anonymous's picture
I've got another one, Prune Poem by redknight82. Very, very funny
Anonymous's picture
Couple of poems by dom (username). Love Windows I like them because they are both short and not too serious, and clever too! HB
Anonymous's picture
My favorite is Tears of a red rose. Under Candy77
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