Pratchett shakes fist at Rowling &; Tolkien

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Pratchett shakes fist at Rowling &; Tolkien

I'm not Pratchett's biggest fan (though I have bought and read a good few of his books,) but I find his remarks in this interview both funny and wise.

Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Henstoat, Check out Philip Pullman's Northern Light (see thread above this one). For my money, ten times better than Pratchett.
Anonymous's picture
Was it Terry Pratchett who teamed up with Neil Gaiman to write: "Good Omens"? That was a funny book man.. I loved it.
Anonymous's picture
funky_seagull:- Yes, Pratchett and Gaiman wrote 'Good Omens'. I've been reading Pratchett since I was at school, I still remember stealing 'The Colour of Magic' and 'The Light Fantastic' from under the librarians nose - and they still sit on my shelf stamped with my school's name. So that was back in 1987 and I was 16 then... so I'm neither an adolescent boy or a middle aged woman and he's still one of my favourite authors. Rowling is a bit too simplistic for my tastes and Tolkein was good when I was 13 or so but a bit long winded now..
Anonymous's picture
"research shows that buyers (of Pratchett's books) consist of at least as many middle-aged women as adolescent boys". well, our adolescent boy has outed himself. time now for abc's middle-aged women to do the same. a show of hands, please.
Anonymous's picture
Hey! I'm nearly 20! Legally, I'm an adult. ;-)
Middle Aged ABC...
Anonymous's picture
I have never bought a Pratchett and I never will.
Dirndl Mafia Boss
Anonymous's picture
Me neither.
Anonymous's picture
true, H. and i never thought otherwise. now, do you want your double chocolate chip-choc ice cream with added chocolate or without?
Anonymous's picture
With, please, and lots of it
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