50-worders (stationery)

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50-worders (stationery)

It seems the "post-modern cartoons theme has run out of steam (see "The Umpteenth Official¦). How about a new theme? Let's say¦

Stories about or involving office stationery.


*** pepsoid ***

Shouldn't you be sorting out your arts council form or something?
While I'm at work? I don't think they'd like that. :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

But they like you using their time to access a writers site? I'm sure they'd be thrilled to know what you are doing while they pay you.
Maybe we should change the subject to 'skivving off whist at work'.
'Whilst', that is...
Another subject you are an expert in!


You're not half-wrong there...
Haha...you're not at work too are you Ag? What would your employers say if they knew you were taking advantage of them so much? TUT TUT!
Do you get money for snitching skivers up to their workplace like you do for grassing on benefit fraudsters? *rings Cambridge county council*
No, I work in an entirely 'non-snitch' department, luckily, or I'd feel more guilty about my 'multi-tasking', as I like to call it. Not sure if the Department of Snitches does go for work-skivers, but I'm sure they'll consider your suggestions for the next budget... no, wait, don't!
I am skiving also and feel no shame! they dont pay me enough, I am overworked, and my boss is a total cow. so... I figure... two wrongs make a right and all that jazz. Span
Umm... anyway... any 50-worders then...?? :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

It was not that he needed some more paper, more that he liked the basement. He liked the musky smell, the oldness of the place, the old paper that filled the racks, some dating back to before England won the World Cup. He decided to look for some old Bond.


Anonymous's picture
I never move. I show up, feign work for the following eight hours, and then leave. I sit here much like that paperweight – I wonder if those documents are very important? I’m a plant, a semi-permanent fixture, watching the world change around me. I’m the epitome of office stationary. . . . Oh, wait - that’s the wrong stationary… “It’s spelled with an “E” Foster. Immediate disqualification!”
Pentop It had been a long and fruitful relationship. Sadly, however, its time had come to an end. While together, they had led a mutually beneficial existence, but apart only one of them thrived. She sat in a dark and lonely corner… never to be found… intermingled with paperclips… lost forever. :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"Purple haze All in my brian" I laughed and tore the postie from the monitor. "Brian?" "Yep?"

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Erm... 17 words...? ...eh? :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

My practice had merged with a bigger one. I checked each file to satisfy myself it could be destroyed. Now finished, I held an old envelope in a trembling hand. The Mauritius Red Penny stamp seemed to sparkle through through the grime. Who owned it now?
"Didn't you mean brain?" "Eh?" "Didn't you mean brain? You wrote: purple haze all in my brian." "Eh?" "Didn't you mean Brain?" "Oh yeah....Did I put Brian?" "yep!" "Oh." (cackles) I laughed.

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

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