Society of Authors

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Society of Authors

How many here are members? Is it worth joining? I am about to 'sign up' and I'd appreciate some feedback.

Apologies for relatively dull subject. Ivoryfishbone's thread (sum it...or was that slum it?) is much more interesting. I'll be back to you on that, IFB

Anonymous's picture
sorry wolfie dearest ... i do not know a thing about the soc of auths ... i seem to accidentally belong to the ALCS (authors licensing and collecting thing) not sure how that happened but they sometimes send me cheques for 31p which are allegedly to do with broadcast in belgium for example ...
Anonymous's picture
Oh, the kindness of strangers (and the twenty quid in my back pocket, but less said about that the better). Does no-one out there no anything? Oh well, I guess I have to trudge down to the library again. How tiresome. Yawn.
Anonymous's picture
can't you look em up on the net? the world at your fingertips and all that ...
Anonymous's picture
Whoops, I have put my reply onto the wrong thread, I meant to reply to the other one about brains for my research. Oh well I have the place to myself. HELL-O-OOOOOOO (echoes in the silence) How can anyone be stupid enough to post two identical threads and then reply to the wrong one. DERRRRRRRRR
Anonymous's picture
my reply above is an all purpose reply suitable for any thread ...
Anonymous's picture
What a wonderful thread! I go away for a week and see all these exciting threads. Two identical posts is quite quirky. Though I have to think that no-one can claim to be as stupid as me when it comes to stuff like that. I am mister no common sense. I wondered why IFB's posts always look the same :-) Beware for Spaghetti Si is back on the discussion groups Mwhahahahaha
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