repeating myself...

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repeating myself...

i seem to be stuck in a rut. all i ever write about is love or death... with rare exceptions every now and then...
i think i've milked the themes for all they're worth and i've been repeating myself in the process...
any advice as to how to get out of this?

Wendy Wilson
Anonymous's picture
Dear Nancy, I had a similar problem a few years back when all I could write about was hockey and the dreadful cult of 'Crumpet Couture.' How I got over it was by going for long walks. I spent a lot of time traipsing around Kings Cross Railway Station. I met some wonderful people who changed my life and taught me how to write about many different subjects. I now write about plumbing and trouser maintenance. Of course I was a young man way back then. You will be all right. Wendy
Anonymous's picture
nancy i know how you feel ... this is when it is good to have some external stimulation ... a workshop or exercise set by someone else ... if you ask andrew nicely he might set another poetry challenge ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I've never seen a poem about :- Driving lessons Waiting for people who are never on time Breaking something and trying to disguise it Hearing someone tell you something that you know is a lie.
Anonymous's picture
i tried the topics and didnt get anywhere... nearly gave up... then wrote a poem about having your photo taken... and called it that... thanks for your help...
Anonymous's picture
Think of those people who would have won the lottery if only they had remembered to renew their ticket. Lots of possibilities on the agony front, but also the ridiculous side can be explored to the full. Good luck! Reinardina.
Anonymous's picture
Something I find works very well is to take some random words or topics, say, hills, fish, wigs and Terry Wogan, for example, then write for 5-10 mins about each. Not in a "serious" sense, maybe notes, or mumbo-jumbo, but it often unearths some forgotten memory, thought or association that can be used sooner or later in your writing. Worth a try?
Anonymous's picture
i am a random topic? *pouts*
Anonymous's picture
*wonders how fish pout*
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