Your favourite piece

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Anonymous's picture
Last bit should have read I guess thats why there's only five. Perhaps if I read them a little more carefully before submiting I'd be more happy.
Anonymous's picture
Awwwww! Look everyone's being modest, or they're in the Pub.
Anonymous's picture
I know..... Flash, you start 'em off mate.
Anonymous's picture
The Curve - it's the most personal thing I've written.
Anonymous's picture
Me! Don't be silly, we wanna see the good stuff.
Anonymous's picture
Good choice Drew. Flash, I think everyones off to see Val arent they? Im just a clueless northerner, so i cant be certain, but I think thats what they said.
andrew o'donnell
Anonymous's picture
Go on Flash. If you do it then I will. The Curve was extremely good, Drew. Rather intimidating to follow.. not really accustomed to this. Like the idea, Liana.. I know I have my favourites with many of the regulars but it would be interesting to see what they come up with. My own favourite is always something I've just written or am about to write. The former is always in dire need of a re-think/edit and the latter, of course, doesn't exist yet. A toughie.
Anonymous's picture
And if no-one else joins in I'll be embarrassed as a shameless self-promoter. I'm sitting here writing - I'm doing the second part to A New Head, as mentioned in the thread just below. This one is called Bums-R-Us. I write a few lines and then look on the internet. My concentration these days is shot. I should go back to the typewriter. We're going to Copenhagen on Thursday. Today being Saturday Gary is packing. He's just asked me how many underpants I'm taking. "Well, we arrive on Thursday," I said, "so that means clean ones on Friday..." "No," said Gary, "Thursday night. You'll need new ones Thursday night to wear through Friday." Oh, the life of domestic bliss.
Anonymous's picture
Well i think mine are all equally bad so i'm not playing , just being a spectator that's me. They're off watching Val Doonican? i wish i'd known he was playing.
Anonymous's picture
Ok, I'll do mine. Its the one I've just written, a poem called Glass... and the same as Drew, it's mainly because it's an intensely personal piece, although I am technically really pleased with it too.
Anonymous's picture
Never worry Flashy's here. Aren't you supposed to put a link L?
Anonymous's picture
Liana, It reminded me of Thom Gunn. I liked it although I didn't understand the last 3 lines.
Anonymous's picture
Yep. You know the optical illusion where there is a triangle of tubes? It doesnt matter where you start from, you cant grasp at the actual beginning of it? It twists back on itself. Ok, now I sound like a complete arsehole, but that's what it's meant to do. :o)
andrew o\'donnell
Anonymous's picture
I liked it. Marbles as in marbles? I kept thinking of marble floor. Don't know why. It is much better than some of your earlier ones, Liana. Not that they are bad.. but there's more to this. Tried to submit this new one I've been working on but can't log in under either of my names (OK, the game is up) ..just get the authentication error thing every time. Punishment for not having an at-home connection, I s'pose. OK, I'll give it one more go and then I'll have to toddle on home.
Anonymous's picture
Ahh, now you've said - it's clear as glass. Honestly. Fantastic.
Anonymous's picture
"Take two, they're big," he said. Kenny's Christmas This is my take on the story of Jesus, but I seem to be the only one to figure that out so far, so maybe it wasn't very successful. The ending needs some work, but one day I'll expand this into a novella (he said optimistically). The Grand Two-Bit Ballroom My personal favorite. I'll expand this one too one day (more optimism).
Anonymous's picture
Oh alright then. And who is Val?
Anonymous's picture
good move flash. Carni?
Anonymous's picture
I spent about half an hour on the official festival web site looking someone/act called Val?
Anonymous's picture
can anyone join in?
Anonymous's picture
I think that it is generally the piece on which I am working or have just finished. I wrote a piece (not on here, on UKAuthors) called Christian and The Ruggie that was written in a few hours. You know what it's like; sometimes you can huff and labour over work but just sometimes, in those mystical brainstorms, things can slide out like a calf from a cow. That was Christian And The Ruggie: it slithered out and then got up virtually straight away on jittery, then confident legs. It was a joy to write.
Anonymous's picture
Martin, thats my own favourite of yours too. It flows, there is no self consciousness at all... Of course anyone can join in.
Anonymous's picture Dunno how to do linky things. Epiphany - I'd appreciate comments. Cheers.
Anonymous's picture
Yeah i liked Martin's and Wolfie's choices too. Off to read ems now
Anonymous's picture
cheers peeps it just started with an overheard conversation at work...the woman obviously just wanted to get the hell out of dodge...
Anonymous's picture
This one. My first cherry, I'll never forget you...
Anonymous's picture
Look at you, you coy lot. I have absolutely no compunctions about self-aggrandaisement. My favourite piece of mine on abctales is this one: I think it could be improved. I think most people won't think it's my best. But it's everything I want a story to do right now. No more, no less. For me, it's not a massé shot off the cushion into the top right pocket, it's just a simple pot - but that's what I'm into right now. I shall have a squiz at everyone else's. It's always interesting to see what an author considers his or her best work; whenever a favourite musician of mine has named their favourite of their own tracks, I've never agreed. Kooky, huh?
Anonymous's picture
Off to have a gander right now.
Aurore Lenoir
Anonymous's picture
I have two favorites...i love this one because I love both characters, and this took me FOREVER to write...i must have worked through five or six play rehersals and study halls on this, pluscountless hours at home.... I'm also pretty partial to this one, alot because i love the main character, and because i really like where I'm going with it, even i cant seem to get there...sort of like getting lost going to Disney World or Six Flags...youre really really happy that you're ALMOST there, but you still cant quite get there...
Anonymous's picture
ooh, an opportunity to plug... waste not... It's a poem, called China's Abrade. And it's my favourite because... well I just like it and I think that it's ok. It's the type of poem I could read if it wasn't mine, I think.
Anonymous's picture
Here is mine. Its that time of year. Ralph
andrew o'donnell
Anonymous's picture
7pm.. I just woke up. Strange feeling in the head when you've slept too much. Mine's called Hotel (was submitted but still stuck in Editorsville.. mind you, it IS the weekend.. they should have some time off after all) Like Mia.. I think it's something I could read if it was someone elses. Maybe it should be a poem though. All these links to plough through. Where to begin?
andrew o'donnell
Anonymous's picture
Smillieboy.. liked this.. especially the line 'preparing to hurt myself with the contents of my shopping bag.' Wish I'd written that. Flash, loved yours too. Why so coy? I wouldn't have finished on a question if it was me. Would have let the reader imagine a bit more. But still great. Great dialogue. Loved- 'his memory searched for words, the best he could find, like grasping for tiny jewels in sifting silts of black sand.' Ems's is a stunner. Can't think of any negative critical feedback for the mo. I loved how the branches just encroach on the car before you realise they've crashed. Brilliant. Rokkitnite's was a bit mysterious. Liked it but can't quite make it out. Is the point that once you realise or have something pointed out to you then there are just more questions? Things you don't know. Maybe reading into it too much. Need to become a bit more familiar with your other stuff, maybe. Can understand where you're coming from, regarding your comments.. sometimes it's good to have a piece that isn't whacking you round the head with a message. Tried to find Wolfgirls at ukauthors (just joined myself) but was a tad tricky ..anyone got a link? Flash? You seem to be good with these kinds of things. Ralph's and Mia's were great too. Thought there were similarities. Mia's ..very fecund an overripe fruit, ..lovely. Think I've read Martin T's before.. makes me want to do a massive spring clean on my flat and cook myself a decent meal. Will have to print the rest out at work.. Justyns two long ones etc.
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Andrew for your nice comments, and yes some brilliant peices there. The link to the one by Wolfie below, which is a fantastic short story.
Anonymous's picture
I've thought that it would be useful if one could mark pieces
Anonymous's picture
Trying again. I've thought it would be useful if one could mark the pieces within one's abc set so as to give the reader guidance toward the author's idea of the better pieces. Accordingly, two of my poems, good I think, but also pretty accessible, which may be as important when suggesting an approach to an archive of a number of poems. ( a(
Anonymous's picture
Yes, that's a corking poem, Liana. Lo, not only are you producing again but doing it at the top of your game. Enjoyed your recommendation too, Drew. Very stylish, stylised, and pacy. Be mad to pretend I understood it all - but it brought back the deckchair holidays of childhood. Haven't checked out other people's recommendations yet, but I will do. Useful thread, this. d.beswetherick.
drew gummerson
Anonymous's picture
What's yours then d. bes?
Anonymous's picture
I have two poems I like, She and You
Anonymous's picture
This is sheer honesty and still hurts to read.
Anonymous's picture
8-24-03 I like my story----- Southern Comfort Not Hardly---- I like it because, the pitcure is so vivid in my mind. I love remembering my family as we were then. It makes me feel peaceful.
andrew o'donnell
Anonymous's picture
Lost mine for a bit but here's the URL How do you do those clickable links? They're rather snazzy.
Anonymous's picture
Liana: I've read "Glass" 6 or 7 times and it keeps getting better. Musical, and imagistic, and willful, and intelligent. Flash: I don't read much of the short fiction at abc but did read yours. Tight. Understated. Really good dialogue. And the ending is very fine. Uppercase: I enjoyed "Southern Comfort, Not Hardly". It's straightforward, and literate, and effectively "saves" the way it was for those coming after. How do you do those clickable links?


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