Mega Glitch!

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Mega Glitch!

Logged in as usual this evening -wanting to view/edit one of my poems. Lo and behold I found, somewhat disconcertingly, that I was logged in to Piers Alexander's site. The mind boggles when one considers the implications of this. What is the point of user names and passwords if anyone can access our stories and change/ delete them at will. I guess I have lost confidence in ABC. How about you?

thats just happened to me too, i was logged into some other users area.. whats going on, plus when the pages open, they seem to be out of date... i know i just moved up to broad band but i didnt expect it to alter things.. so much.

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

I am also Piers Alexander aka Бытие и ничто.
But apparently he rates (among others) camus so at least my name's in there somewhere.
Conspiracy Theory No. 7663. Piers Alexander aka Бытие и ничто is in actual fact an operative in the new Russian Secret Service. Unable to compete with MI6’s high tech devices, they’ve opted for joining ABC Tales. Word is they belong to a number of other writer’s groups. One exception is Zoetrope. Apparently the Russian Mafia, who really run the country, have a great admiration for Francis Ford Coppola who runs the Virtual Studio. Members of ABC would be wise not to discuss sensitive matters of state security.
umm i apparently am Бытие и ничто.... too! I didnt know that, i think my daughter will be surprised...

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

I've contacted the man who built the site about this problem. Cheers, Mark Brown, Editor (on leave),


Not so much a mega-glitch as a coding mistake in the module which generates the nice URLs on the site automatically. The Cyrillic username should have been aliased to /user/Бытие и ничто It came out aliased to /user instead. So you all see the wrong page. At no point were any of you logged in as him. If you were, you'd have been able to edit his stuff. Broken url alias deleted from the DB. ---- John H


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