Passive Resistance!

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Passive Resistance!

It's all got a bit playground-like around here recently... and I fear that I may be partially to blame! By way of compensation, therefore, may I make a suggestion? May I posit the idea that those of us who generally try to contribute positivity, tolerance and overall niceness to the site commence a Campaign of Passive Resistance? You know, like Ghandi'n'stuff...

This would entai a three-pronged reaction to insults, negativity and hurtful intent:


...because I fear that any other response just feeds the Poisonous Chalice!

Do you think we could try this, people?

Let's fill ABC with love!

:-) :-) :-)



Still playing the prat I see.


Peps, it's a good idea, but sometimes it feels really good to call a prick a prick, especially after ignoring several barbs from said prick. But I will back you in this!
I'll send along some incense and wild flowers to weave into your hair.


I can't agree more, AG! My reason for backing off recently is because I've come very close to allowing the temptation to do so to overcome me. However, I feel that as certain folks obviously thrive on confrontation, then we should do our best not to give it to 'em... ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Hooray for your suggestion Pepsoid! We might even find enough peace to be CREATIVE on here.. I will try my best to do A B & C. I think I may sometimes lapse and do some B since I am not always as good a person as I'd like to be.
oops I meant I might NOT do some B in my lapses. Am already arguing with myself, see..
Welcome to my campaign, Galfreda! I often find it's the people who say they're not as "good" as they'd like to be are the... erm... most-good... Be strong! Be bold! Feel the love!! XXXXXXXX ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I'd already joined your campaign before you'd started it. Can you do that?


I see several problems with your concept of Passive Resistance Peps. The main one being that 'Passive Resistance' actually calls for action, albeit non-violent action : Ghandi used civil disobedience and protests. Your campaign seems to be based on the Ostrich approach : 'Stick your head in the sand and hope it goes away'. I feel that in practice this will merely encourage bullying. Simple insults, while occasionally painful, are relatively harmless but consistent abuse, attempted character assasination and libels need to be tackled. The ABC Codes Of Conduct offer quite sufficient protection for the forums - if they were ACTUALLY enforced! Now, if, as a group, you were to act as a 'forum concience' and protest on the thread to Tony Cook, about posts (or posters) that seriously breach these codes then - this would be a form of passive resistance that might actually work. NB the last sentence "Please be aware that we intend to enforce it, and persistent breaches may result in your ACCESS to being RESTRICTED."
"Now, if, as a group, you were to act as a 'forum concience' and protest on the thread to Tony Cook, about posts (or posters) that seriously breach these codes then - this would be a form of passive resistance that might actually work. " It's possible that Tony may have a few better things to do with his time than referee meaningless online scuffles between tedious dullards.


Oh please, it's not bloody dingly dell here and everyone ought to be big enough to take an insult or two. Peps, much as I love you for it, your winsome sense of humour often lapses into the puerile and that rubs some people up the wrong way. Confusing the word 'shatter' with 'shitter' is the sort of thing an eight year old would find funny and you must realise you were setting yourself up to be told to fuck off. The arguments on here are one of the the more interesting bits, they always were. Abctales is populated by intelligent, erudite, and above all diverse individuals, and there are few other places where you can find such radically opposing points of view so convincingly debated. Over the years I've had my mind changed on a number of subjects reading these threads. The feuds are boring, but these are often way more complex than just the pissing contests people dissmiss them as, some people have genuine grievances with a lot of history attached, and they are all adults and who are we to tell them how and when to fight their own battles. We are under no obligation to like each other, and no obligation to pretend to.


Some of you folks are a little on the sad side ya know. There's been a small section of members that have advocated moderating the forums since their inception. Mostly they are people who don't like disagreement. Tough. The forum reflects to a large degree, the composition of real life, to force people to conform to some wishy washy formula would render the forum sterile and boring, (there's enough sterility here already). The likes of Mykle, jasper, alumbloom/yan, have always been been here, whinging about this person or that person, becoming indignant when they're challenged over their views. writing email to Tony complaining about me or others and what they see as crap like racial hatred blah blah blah. Perhaps they should realise that the failure of the management to impose their will is an indication that the management don't necessarily agree with them. The truth is, and I'm not claiming this to be the feelings of any particular individual, rather the conclusion I arrived at through endless email and conversations with many members, Mykle is just not liked very much by anyone apart from a tiny minority. Pepsoid, is seen as a harmless yet aggravating bore much of the time, with his endless silly threads. Alumgoon/yan is seen by most members as a creep. I don't need to say anything about AG, she illustrates herself very well without my help. If I've left anyone out don't take it personally. These abrasions between people are a part of society, you can't and won't change them. It's not possible to homogenise society without making it pointless. I'm sure there ARE sites that protect and give succour to those that aren't able to take part in real life, but I've never felt the need to seek them out.


It's satisfying to witness a group of people with staying power who are willing to stand up against your indecency. You're getting a little complacent, expecting the people whom you abuse (as you always have done) to simply turn away. The amount of people you've bolted for, bullied and humiliated during the past couple of years.You enjoy sitting there lighting the fire and then fanning the flames, but there will come a time (eventually) when you'll be the one turning you have done...and will again. You scarpered with your tail between your legs when the site security and conduct was tightened because it's pretty obvious that the only reason why you leech this site is because of the poor moderation. It gives you an opportunity to act the twat (for your twisted pleasure) and get away with it. You only crawled back when you realised that things weren't as tight as you first thought. You can cloak your reasons for this and that under as much drivvle as you like, but your intentions are clear. You're one 'thing' this site could do without. People like you don't last too long.

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

The Codes Of Conduct are already there - no point in debating whether you want them or not! I did not write them I merely suggest they be adhered to. If you want a discussion then the area of debate should be about how they should be interpreted and when they should be enforced. Missi I don't post on ABC to make friends - although I do make them. I certainly don't feel the neeed to pretend to be someone I'm not as you do. You are like the Wizard of Oz - a sad little man hiding behind a curtain using a machine to pretend to be great and powerful. Not so tough when I finally got sick of your tough talk and sent you an email saying I was willing to meet you. You sent me a weasel worded reply then sabotaged your email account and hid for several days. What was your excuse to your friends to try and hide you cowardice? Something about your service provider not liking you - the cads :O) Maybe you are okay in person - I've got nothing against cowards - but I'm not fond of fakes, bullies and liars.
You'd like to believe that crap slimey but in your heart you know you're exactly what I say you are. You've spent your time on ABC trying to convince everyone that you're an educated decent man, but your behaviour belies that. As for you emailing me with suggestions of 'fighting', and warning me that you are not only younger and fitter than me, but also trained in 'unarmed combat', I laughed so much I nearly fell off my chair. What it DID do is make me realise what a complete idiot you are. I'm embarrassed to think I even considered meeting you. What's more, from the recent photo you sent thinking it somehow displayed you as a virile fighting machine, (how many people DID you send it to?), I can almost certainly say that any attempted violence on your part would be folly. You seem to think that a slight age advantage means I'm a wheelchair bound invalid. You knew where to find me last Wednesday evening, why didn't you turn up? If you had you'd have had the opportunity to tell Tony Cook to his face whatever it is you put in your undoubted emails to him, as well as challenge me on whatever grounds you wished. You are a spineless little creep and a surefire candidate for membership of the goons new site, you have so much in common.


I'd re-state that you are not liked on ABC. Do you doubt that?


Hahaha. No matter what you say now - you will know that even when your friends say they believe you about your email problems that they are just being polite. On the threads you wished me dead more than once and eventually you suggested we meet to sort it out once and for all. I posted to say it would have to wait until I returned from Thailand. You continued to push and so I finally emailed you agreeing to meet. I didn't say I wanted to fight - I said that I presumed you did. I was merely pointing out that it was unwise. I noticed you deleted all your threats as soon as you got my email :O) Only you and one other person was sent that photo. I notice that although you keep making insinuations about people who don't have a photo onsite... that you don't either you hypocrite :O)
What you believe about my malfunctioning email is completely immaterial to me you horrid little man. It is now working properly and anyone that has it is welcome to use it. I repeat; I'd re-state that you are not liked on ABC. Do you doubt that? In fact you are despised by a large number of members. Some of the words used to describe you by other members, and not necessarily people who would call themselves friends of mine, just those who think you're awful, 'vile', 'disgusting', 'sick', ad nauseum, and they're the politer words. Those that have attacked me I could count on the fingers of one hand. I repeat again, You knew where to find me last Wednesday evening, why didn't you turn up?


By the way, there are many photos of me on James' site, and there has been for as long as the site has existed. Where's yours by the way? As it happens I showed yours to all those who wanted to see it last Wednesday. I have to say it caused some hilarity


Like a lot of other members I do not live conveiniently close to London, as you know. However, since I know where you live I can always pop in when I'm down your way. I can honestly say that I look forward to meeting you in person! Kind of you to share my photo with your friends - it was taken during the heatwave 2 minutes from the Southbay beach. A moment of reflection :O)
Yeah right. I notice you avoid commenting on your popularity or the whereabouts on line of a photo of yourself.


*Eats pizza...swigs coke...brushes crumbs from shirt. Visit me

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"I don't need to say anything about AG, she illustrates herself very well without my help"... oh, you mean, intelligent, articulate, and holding some opinions neither you or others on this site agree with? Well, what can I say but 'thanks'! The fact that I am on your 'bad' list, Missi, with mykle, Pepsoid, yan, and others bothers me not one fig; they have opinions that differ from yours as well, so who cares, except you? You thrive on having someone to dislike, much like a few others on here, who can't seem to get it through their thick craniums that their harassment is pointless and worse, puerility of the worst sort. You'll note that I also have a picture on my link, a rather nice one, I must say...
Re Mykle's "I see several problems with your concept of Passive Resistance Peps..." I see what you mean, but I think it the context of an online forum, this approach can work. Maybe mentioning Ghandi was misleading... we aren't here trying to "passively resist" anything physical - it is literally just words; and written ones at that. It is very easy to scroll through words you don't like, whatever they say and whatever their intentions. Physically easy, but I know sometimes mentally difficult to ignore. But I think we gotta try. If people who clearly want the confrontation don't get it, then what, for them, is the point? They will simply be seen to be “pissing in the wind” (pardon my French). Regarding the Code of Conduct... I must jump to the defence of the editors here and say I wouldn’t fancy being in their position - they’re not full-time administrators of ABC, they don’t get paid to do the job and as much as ideally the Code should be upheld, I wouldn’t fancy the practicalities of it. And if you do ultimately kick off the “baddies,” won’t they just come back in other guise? Wouldn’t it be better, and wouldn’t we feel better, if we try to implement a more overall, long-term solution/approach? Styxbrook... Yes, of course you can join - the more the merrier! Missi... I refer the learned gentleman back to my previous comment: "This would entai a three-pronged reaction to insults, negativity and hurtful intent..." ...hence why I have nothing against considered, intelligent debate, which doesn't resort to personal insults and nastiness. Hence why I have said this much on the topic herewith and no more. ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

BTW... AG... are you still doing the roadtrip thang? Just wondering if you got my email sent last Sunday (6 Aug 06 @ 0831h...)... :-) ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Peps...I have no problems with your existence, but you are getting really sappy. Visit me

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Do you think I need to get back to my infuriating silliness, RD? ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

(I can't ignore RD... there is something about his particular brand of "insults" that I find joyous to behold...) ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

The more infuriating, the Visit me

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* ...if you do ultimately kick off the “baddies,” won’t they just come back in other guise... * Good point. As it happens alumgoon is the only person involved here at the moment that HAS been kicked off for going beyond the pale, and whaddya know, he crept back in as yan. It won't last, my instinct tells me. Jasper was also booted out for being unacceptable, and he too snuck back in for a while. AG, don't flatter yourself further. You're not on 'my bad list', you see I don't actually have one. In my book you're much the same as peps, a mild annoyance, though in your case conceit plays a major part in your make-up. I wouldn't argue that you're relatively intelligent but your powers of character assessment are left wanting. I'm so glad that my opinions differ from those you mention; if they concurred I'd be really worried. I wouldn't know if your picture is rather nice or not as I haven't seen any of the ones its competing with. What I would say is that the photographer could do with some instruction.


There's nothing to resist. Some people are just pricks. RadioDenver, for example, is a prick. ~ Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
I'm only a prick to people with sticks up their you Hen-jack-toad-puppy. Lemme give it a twist to remind you it is there. Visit me

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RD, I think you and Jack have some homoerotic thang going on... don't mind me, though - I like to watch! Missi, I know you want me, really; your nastiness toward me is a cloak for your desire, just as my conceit is a cloak for my deep vulnerability.
wrong again young girl, wrong again...I'm strictly a prostitue man. Hen couldn't get any money out of it if he tried. Visit me

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Oh, but there's a fine, fine line between loathing and desire, RD. Look at 'Moonlighting'. That which we resist, we desire. Whether money changes hands is really beside the point.
You're sniffing glue with Mykle aren't you? Visit me

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You're a prostitute man. (?) Um - even me with my low level of grammatical understanding, (I should have gone to school) means that there are 2 meanings to that statement.


Back to the pointless prattle... luvvit!! :-) It was getting a little too serious around here... (did you get that email then, Arch?) ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Well I am THE Prostitute Man. In all senses. Hurrah for Prostitute Men!
Dr Jekyll and the Prostitute Men... yes, it works! (a possible writing challenge there, perhaps...?) ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Latest news on terrorist threat to air flights: Security forces have admitted they got it wrong. In a shock development security sources revealed today that they had again received faulty intelligence... the threat was not from liquid explosives but from trained suicide spontaneous combusters. "These terrorists train by sitting in front of a TV or computer, eating pizza and hardly moving for weeks on end." "All they would need to do once they have got onboard the plane is drink a few shorts then go to the toilet and light their breath." "The smoke-alarm would go off instantly but it would be too late - these people burn at a tremendously high temperature!" says expert. "Once they burst into flames nothing can extiguish them!" Lighters are to be banned on all future flights.
"...suicide spontaneous combusters..." ...a perhaps less than wholely reliable method of terrorist attack? ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"I'm only a prick to people with sticks up their you Hen-jack-toad-puppy." Ah, good point, except that: a) No. You're just a prick, and: b) You're also a piece of human detritus. ~ I'll Show You Tyrants * Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
Cade!... Denver!... Kindly take your scuffle out of the Passive Resistance thread or it'll be detention for the both of you! ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Gadzooks! Pepsoid *and* Camus managed to reply to me *before* RadioDipshit. He must have been distracted from the screen by a toenail clipping, or nodded off to dream of further sticks up asses. ~ I'll Show You Tyrants * Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
True, but... was "ffs" a reply or has Camus just spilt something greasy on her keyboard? (I won't go into the possibilities...) &... "Gadzooks"? You been watching Scooby Doo? ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

No, but I used to like Inspector Gadget, and he said 'Gadzooks'. In fact, he had a 'Gadzooka'. Wasn't Scooby Doo 'Zoiks' and 'Jinkies'? ~ I'll Show You Tyrants * Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
You could be right there, Mr C... So have you seen the film of Inspector G then? I recently sat through 20 minutes of it, before realising I had better things to do with my life... like painting acid on my tongue... ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!


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