To Plot or Not to Plot?
Sat, 2013-07-20 00:36
To Plot or Not to Plot?
That is the question.
No, literally, that is the question.
Straightforward enough, isn't it?
But, I've asked this question before and people usually reply by saying something along the lines of, "Do what works for you." or the dreaded, "Follow your intuition!" Now, if my intuition had GIVEN me an answer, I would gladly follow it, but for now, it's quieter than a mouse. In fact, I might've gone ahead and killed it... by accident. But, you know, it's really a question of do I have to plot every single detail from the color of my character's eyes to their birth date to their parents' wedding, or can I just "wing it"?
So, what do you guys think?
Please, at least say more than my intuition...
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Natalia :)
It seems rather straightforward to me that this your decision. You of course do not wish to mix rhetorical patterns and break Irish literacy conventions. Your first problem is solved by accepting your inner true voice the decider. The second befuddlement is the audience. What are the demographics of the audience you seek? You do realize your tales must be within their cultural biases of enjoyment. Sorry if I sound patronizing. I am not. A good writer sees the seams with belief they can expand their inner voice.
I'm wondering if I sound religious for my words might make you think I'm a grasshopper.
I'm not sure if this will help you, but I say both. I break it down into the idea--which I'm sure you do-- then I write my first scene, middle scene, and last scene. Then break everything in between down to a short story--even if I'm writing a short story--with a mind mapping software to "plot" it. I like mindmaps because it's a good break from structure with informal planning. You end up with a ton of logically linked ideas to choose from, without the standard A--> B --> C way of thinking.
xmind is my favorite, but there are lots to choose from for all available platforms.
Hope that helped a little.