Mashed Potato

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Mashed Potato

When I was about 10, I wrote a poem that I really liked and though I quite enjoy criticism whether good, bad or ugly, I have just been totally thrown by a remark made by someone on another site who compared my poem as being the 'mashed potato' of poetry. I wonder if anyone can through any light on this strange term. Is it artistic licence, biblical satire or simply a recommendation to eat my words? The poem's called 'Loaded Guns', it's here somewhere and although this may seem like a bit of a plug, it's not, I really would like someone to read it and tell me if it is some form of poetic Mashed Potato just so I have confirmation. Thanx

andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Not a very helpful comment. I assume that what was meant was similar to when a band is described as a "meat and potatoes" band, in that it has mass appeal but little artistic merit. (Famously The Stereophonics) It sounds to me a bit snobbish and if someone had something constructive to say which you might have used to improve the poem, it would have been worth listening to. This, I would have to say, is probably not worth the time thinking about.
Anonymous's picture
Maybe it inspired them to dance! :>
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