What do people think about....?

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What do people think about....?

I've long been fascinated by what other people think about in their spare time. By spare time I mean when they're not actually doing ANYTHING else...
Waiting for a bus for instance.

The reason I ask is because I recently asked my sister this and she didn't know. Probably what she was going to cook tonight she said.

Now my sister is a lawyer and she loves to read nearly as much as I do, but she's not what I'd call creative.

Every spare second of my day (and quite a few I can't really afford to waste) is spent in a dreamworld of my own making, inspired from my own thoughts or from someone else's creativity. I can't imagine living any other way.
I'm a dreamer. I admit it. Infact I spend so much time dreaming up stories I don't even get around to writing most of them down.

So I'm wondering, with all the very tallented writers on the site...is it the same for you...or am I really as strange as my family believe?

Anonymous's picture
I wish I had more spare time. Since I have a four year old I have not much spare time now. I wonder what I used to do with all of my spare time. However, yes, I do spend much of it in a dream world. Sometimes little bits of poems or stories will occur to me during those times.
Anonymous's picture
Like you, Vicky, I seem to spend more time in dreamworlds than in my actual life! In fact, what you wrote could have been about me!! So rest assured that you are not alone. I'd rather be crazy and happy than sane and miserable. Jen
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Jennifer, At least I know i'm not alone in my insane little world.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
No, I have my own world too - full of fairies, elves and all that stuff! Although I also seem to spend far too much time thinking about websites and what I'm going to do with them (currently working on this one as a job, two of my own in my spare time and freelancing for about 4 others)
Anonymous's picture
I spend my spare time wondering what we are and why we are here and if an acceptable answer will ever come.
Anonymous's picture
Well, an *acceptable* answer might possibly come (in the form of organised religion, perhaps), but it'll undoubtedly be the wrong one...
Anonymous's picture
My spare thought time is usually taken up with cringe memories of stuff I've said after one two many glasses of cab sauv. I try and block the cringe moments with what I think about existentialism versus buddhist philosophy which usually leads to further glasses of cab sauv...and thus the great cycle of life is complete. Karma baby.
Anonymous's picture
you are as strange as you believe your family believe you are. apart from that. i think about a love that has fuelled me, or is tussling with me, or that which is waiting for me at a bus stop somewhere martin xx
Anonymous's picture
There are few times in the day when I am not actually doing ANYTHING else. I am usually very busy, but the moments when I have time to fill, such as lying in bed trying to get to sleep, or sitting on the bus, or walking to meet a friend, I do imagine what it would be like to have a more exciting life. I do have little fantasy worlds which I visit, but I think that we all do, otherwise, where would our stories come from? Long live imagination.
Anonymous's picture
"for what i think, i'd be arrested"
Anonymous's picture
Every jumbled pile of person has a part of them that wonders what the part that isn't thinking, isn't thinking of... TMBG
Anonymous's picture
Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the part that isn't thinking, isn't thinking of... TMBG
Anonymous's picture
Do ya want great lyrics or accuracy?
Anonymous's picture
Great lyrics...definately. Lyric away.....accuracy be damned.
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