Danno by Rosa Johnson

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Danno by Rosa Johnson

I really enjoyed this. Would have told her so but no e-mail.
Well deserves story of the day.

michael cho
Anonymous's picture
I, also, looked for email and found nothing. Here's my take: Rosa, your dialogue is wonderful, perhaps perfect. To make a character as charming as Danno is an accomplishment. The story held my interest until the end. Speaking of the end, it didn't hit as hard, I think, as intended. The plot twist seemed, not exactly contrived, but almost unnecessar. Perhaps because the dialogue and pace of the story entertained me so much, the twist did very little for me. It did not lessen my enjoyment of the story, but it added almost nothing and seemed to exist almost despite the rest of the tale. And the sweater, I think it should have been addressed a bit more, if even in the narrator's thoughts, early in the story. The sweater coincidence feels flimsy by the end, where if it were treated with more weight early on it might hold together better (now if this is not an unintended mixed metaphor!). But lest my criticism here seem negative, let me repeat that I enjoyed your story. It sparkles! All the best, MWC
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