Why do women need men to be TALL?

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Why do women need men to be TALL?

I asked the same question on another well known webiste, but they dont answer much. So why? I was browsing a website, purely for entertainment purposes, and there as bold as you please, all these women demanding that men who want to go out with them have to be very very TALL. Personally, I am enormous, so it doesnt matter to me, but still, its there, see for yourself: 'must be 5'10" minimum', 'has got to be taller than me', 'must be really huge or I'll die'', 'no-one under 6' need bother', 'must be between colossal and towering', 'even though I'm a midget, you have to be indescribably long', etc etc etc. (PS i love the way they use words like 'has to be', 'must'....) What is it???? After decades of feminism, women still equate the fact of 'taller than me' with security, safety and protection? Is that it? Some infantile psychological construct?? Freudian electra complex?? And where do women get off demanding safety, protection etc anyway?? and then bleating on about equality and sharing and stereotypes??? Come on weedy women, spill it, and let us know why............

Anonymous's picture
All points taken, and I have to say, some eloquently expressed and very thoughtful. But, come on, isn't there something a bit pathetic about a grown woman simpering "oooh, I like a man who's taller than me because I feel so SAFE!". Well? Don't you just want to slap them?
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
is it something to do with the size of their torso relating to well... personally i HATE tall men. if you snog em you get a crick in your neck...if they are thin they look so gangly and scrawny...if they are big then they are loafing monsters... i want a man that's smaller than me so i can easily bang him on the head with my mallet.
Anonymous's picture
simple ... short people are horrible
Anonymous's picture
Well I am average height but have been out with men from 5ft 7 to 6ft 6 and personally I like em small. It's nice to get your arms all the way around someone when you hug them, look them in the eye when standing and height doesn't bear any relation to the size of anything else you might deem important. I promise! Anyway give me someone smarter than me anyday I don't care if he is taller or not just so long as he is brighter. But then I do martial arts so I don't need anyone to make me feel secure. I'll kick any size butt you like.
Anonymous's picture
and you're reasoning behind that comment is...?
Anonymous's picture
i mean: your
Anonymous's picture
dude, I don't think you can say short people are horrible
Anonymous's picture
why not?
Anonymous's picture
because it is not logical thinking, if short people are horrid then so are tall people (especially if they have size 14 feet).
Anonymous's picture
ooooh size 14 feet
Anonymous's picture
i know - and he is very very big
Anonymous's picture
would slap them, not sure i can reach
Ely Whitley
Anonymous's picture
the reason women can still get away with all that is because we've had "decades of feminism" and not decades of equality. *steps off soapbox right onto political rake that thwacks him in face on behalf of all the loverley laydeees*
Anonymous's picture
why shouldn't women get away with all that when men have been demanding things from women for centuries...
Anonymous's picture
Personally I like big, tall men because they make me feel all dainty and feminine. It's not really anything to do with protection, more just self-conciousness - you don't want to feel like a heffalump beside your small, skinny man. Between colossal and towering definitely does it for me (though I have been known to make exceptions).
Anonymous's picture
i don't think you'd ever be seen as a heffalump.
Anonymous's picture
But its not about being safe skeeter... its hard to explain really.
Anonymous's picture
I love tall men.. Ive been discussing it with my very tall best man mate, and i think its partly because i am a tall woman who is perceived as being very strong... i like to feel that i can be covered by a man, in all ways... emotionally as well as physically.
Anonymous's picture
if you are a strong woman, why do you want to be 'covered by a man'? (i'm not trying to be hostile here, just asking)
Anonymous's picture
perhaps its exactly because i am strong? and i dont mean covered in the way i suspect you think i do...
Anonymous's picture
tell me if i'm being dumb, but what do you mean then?
Anonymous's picture
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Short people are best - I can guarantee it.
Anonymous's picture
I'm with ya Us shorties gotta stick together
Knowall Coward
Anonymous's picture
Love that - 'must be really huge or I'll die'! Though I'm not tall I always feel larger than life and so like Liana, I like the idea of someone being bigger than me. But the big ones still lean on you, sometimes more than the short sturdy ones. And you can often still knock them over both physically and mentally. So it's not logical. But fair enough for us to ask it because men are always saying they prefer long hair or massive knockers (in women) There is an advantage to shorter men which is to do with something they can do well standing up . And their clothes fit better if you want to borrow them. I don't think men should have smaller feet than me though.
Knowall Coward
Anonymous's picture
In any case, even tall men seem to prefer miniscule women. So where are tall women supposed to go?
Anonymous's picture
Short men, surely . . .
Anonymous's picture
I don't think we should criticise women for this preference. "Tall" is about the only physical characteristic that appears on the standard lists of women's preferences. Now look at the men's lists. It's virtually all physical. d.beswetherick.
Anonymous's picture
What men' s lists? Where?
Anonymous's picture
What do short men do better standing up? I dont get it. I'll have to think about that. OK I'm not exactly enormous, but I'm not teeny either, about average. I went out with a really tall woman once, nearly 6' and she turned out to be HORRIBLE. So tall people can be. But the main problem, the real bone of contenit xxx contenet xxx aargh! contention, is, why does ANYONE think that the outside is all that matters? Hitler? oh well at least he was 5'9", Saddam Hussein? well, at least he's got brown eyes? Pol Pot? Never mind, at least he's got nice curly hair. Plus, I don't care abouit knockers, so there. Anyway women with big ones can't run around after me, because they complain it hurts too much. PS is this true??
Anonymous's picture
The lists of their preferences stuart... do pay attention. The covered thing.. Its the feeling of being enveloped. feeling lifted and held. A small man trying to do that to me, would be hysterically unsexy, as he staggered around toppling over.
Anonymous's picture
Pol Pot Saddem Hussein and Hitler. All small. Coincidence? I think not.
Anonymous's picture
Oh, and of course.. tall men who are fat because they partake of too much revolting belgian beer, are off the list.
Anonymous's picture
you might not care about knockers skeeter but i bet you got other things on your list... all men have a list - true or not? women can't have big lists cos men don't have that much to talk about... going out with a man who is smaller than you looks funny. i don't get what short men do better standing up either. must have my dumb hat on today. ha ha ha
Criminally Inane
Anonymous's picture
I agree. Short people are all horrible. I would take it one step further though and say tall people are all horrible too.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
I always thought that numbers one and two in a woman's list (ridiculous all embracing perspective) was a sense of humour and a nice @!#$. got those - just fail in the height dept. Are these now being ignored? Does lofty conquer all?
Anonymous's picture
OK the standing up thing. Having sex standing up , owing to the genitals being normally placed about half way up the body on both sexes, makes it uncomfortable for a woman unless she wears very high heels. If they were lower down on the tall male it would be easier.
Not Liana, shes...
Anonymous's picture
a short man having standing up sex with me would never happen.
Anonymous's picture
i assumed that cos of our physiological make-up having sex standing up meant the woman had to wrap her legs round the man. so that's a good call freda. must look for some very very short men right now...
Mark Brown
Anonymous's picture
Tony, Does Lofty conquer all? Not if it's Lofty actor Tom Watt, ex of Eastenders. I saw him walking up Highgate Road the other day and he looked absolutely knackered and defeated.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
No wonder - I played against him once at football and the only way he could get a draw against us was to get the ref to give a penalty against me in the last minute. It was fix. I bet he's still worrying aobut it. It was only 18 years ago.
Anonymous's picture
Liana!! You surprise me! Saddam Hussein is not short! Your knowledge of tyrants and dictators needs a bit of sprucing up. Plus the sex thing, doggy style is quite tricky with a very tall woman, let me tell you. But as to height, well it doesnt really matter when youre lying down, does it? Marchioness!! I dont have a list!! People are more than merchandise, I take things as I find them, hate preconceptions and pre judgements Whats your phone number?
Anonymous's picture
Oh bugger. It was a guess.... take Stalin instead then. He was short and bombastic
Anonymous's picture
Johnny Depp is a short @!#$. *Runs away from ABC Forum*
Anonymous's picture
he isnt though. Hes really tall. *swoons*
Anonymous's picture
I'm not unreasonably tall at 6'4" which seems to be a fairly popular height. Apparently, I am "just tall enough"... Erm, for what? Reaching down tins of beans for old ladies in Tesco's.
Anonymous's picture
That's a lovely height. Could you just reach me the spaghetti hoops young man?
Anonymous's picture
Simple; tall is horny.
Anonymous's picture
short men wearing platforms could be horny too


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