Pain Is... by Lisa Hinsley

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Pain Is... by Lisa Hinsley

TV/films can sometimes hit you with an issue, or emotions from the past, which you weren't prepared to deal with... Clearly expressed here by Lisa.


I liked this one too. I have never lived through anything like this but I can appreciate the courage of both writting about it as well as reliving it through somebody else. I do think you are dealing with it well. life sneaks up on us when we are least expecting sometimes and the past is something impossible to rub away with a magical rubber, no matter how much we want to. I particularly like the way you wrote: 'My breathing thins as a panic attack tries to steal me Away from my comfortable warm living room Filling my head with sight and sound that are A million years ago.' I feel this violation of the past in your present is as bad as that on the TV screen and is brilliantly described here. Thank you. soraia
Thanks for the comments Pepsoid and Soraia. Now back to something a little less depressing. A murder perhaps? Lisa :)
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