A New ABCtales Record?

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A New ABCtales Record?

4166 visitors on line right now! That's incredible.

If it was a record it's been smashed to smithers. 4579. Who are these people?


Discerning readers?


I've just blocked 15 of them who registered today. They can do very little but they take up hours of my time. I hate them.
I think 4579 is the bare minimum for the site's breadth and depth of talent, but there you go. Tony, keep the faith, mate.


I was talking about this today to someone. If you go back through your postings and look for the ones that were popular a year or two ago and look at the number of reads against them now, the proportion is about right measured against the ones that didn't get much of a read back then. Are bots and spammers really that discerning? Fair play if they are. I come at this from a position of doubt that anyone would read anything I write. Keep going Tony.

Parson Thru