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Writers Groups

I have really enjoyed belonging to this site. I get great feedback and advice, the forum discussions are often really fun or informative and best of all, this site is really easy to use. I checked out Writers.com and Writing.com, but both of those didn't appeal to me. Are there any other good writing sites that you belong to? I would love to belong to other ones if they are easy to use and worthwhile.

Such disloyalty!
It's always a good idea to belong to more than one writers' site, for exactly the reason Wilky mentioned. I belong to several, including ABC as you can see :) Two others that I can recommend are: Writelink (www.writelink.co.uk) Writers Dock (http://www.writersdock.com) Good luck! http://www.ukauthors.com http://www.ukapress.com
Oh, and I almost forgot the truly excellent Bibliophilia: http://www.bibliophilia.org/ And if you're into poetry only there's Creative Poems: http://www.creative-poems.com/ A http://www.ukauthors.com http://www.ukapress.com
thanks so much. I'll def check out all these links.

Nicholas Schoonbeck

so far I've seen very clunky confusing sites or sites that cost money. ABC is still the best so far.

Nicholas Schoonbeck

I too have scoured the net for other sites, the only one, specially for women is Mislexia, they do a great magazine as well as the site. Worth checking out if you are female (sorry guys, I know it is a little discriminatory..) Others I have found did not live up to the standard ABC holds.
I think you'll find, Geertje, that it's Mslexia (http://www.mslexia.co.uk/index.php) - they are, indeed, excellent and highly respected in the small press world. I have had contact for many, many years. They have, rightly, a very high standard (the print mag is their main focus), and you have the likes of Val McDermid as guest editor. If you manage to get a submission accepted, you are very, very lucky indeed. Don't automatically dismiss writers' sites who ask for a sub.It's usually minimal (Writelink is 15 quid a year I think, less than £1 a month, and probably less than you spend on fags/booze a week)and you get plenty for your money. Wilky is absolutely right. If you are serious about your writing and want to improve, you need to get a wider perspective. http://www.ukauthors.com http://www.ukapress.com
I am new here and still trying to navigate this website. Help requested. So far? This is a great place and I am glad I am here.
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