Should I continue on poetry or?

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Should I continue on poetry or?

Yeah its me everyone, thought I might switch it up a bit by trying something a bit more than poetry. Yet writing a full book will not work since it would be a bit too "tedious" compared to how easy it is to write poetry. Mostly I would like you guys to throw a few suggestions my way on what I should take a crack at. Short stories, serials, inspirational messages etc. Feeling disheartened by the negative reception my poems get I guess

Don't allow yourself to get disheartened, Chinobus.  I'll throw a few sugestions your way later.  In the mean time there's always the weekly inspiration points to get your creative juices flowing.  You'll find this weeks at the end of this forum topic:

Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

It's good to have you around again.  





Why not have a go at writing a character sketch, Chinobus?  Here's a way to get started:

  1. Think of someone you know or if you'd rather not be so personal pick someone that you have met at some point in your life who was memorable in some way.
  2. Place that person in an environment that might be perfect for them to inhabit.
  3. Show us something of this character that makes her/him seem alive and believable.  It might be something about the clothes, a personal idiosyncracy or a notable strangeness to their inflection.

Read this character sketch by George Orwell and see if it might inspire you to produce your sketch:

"The first thing that one noticed in Flory was a hideous birthmark stretching in a ragged crescent down his left cheek, from the eye to the corner of the mouth. Seen from the left side his face had a battered, woe-begone look, as though the birthmark had been a bruise – for it was a dark blue in colour. He was quite aware of its hideousness. And at all times, when he was not alone, there was a sidelongness about his movements, as he manoeuvred constantly to keep the birthmark out of sight".

Orwell, G. (1934-1967), Burmese Days, Penguin: Harmondsworth, p. 14.

I hope that this helps to spur you on.  Good luck.



As a matter of fact I did that and I got cherry picked. Would do another character profile/sketch yet they can be difficult to narrow down. Maybe I will give it another go and see what happens. Thank you!

- Chinobus -

You're welcome.


Go for it Chinobus.  I'm not good at poetry either, but I still try to write it.

Peter gave you some excellent advice and a good example to work on.  So thanks for posting this and thanks to Peter too because I found it helpful.
















Peter gave you some  excellent advice and a good example to work on and I thank y ou and him because I found it helpful too.

Thanks for posting this as Peter gave you some excewllent adivc