dalmation on front page

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dalmation on front page

the picture on the front page is NOT by me
It is lovely :0)

Anonymous's picture
yep it is lovely... but it looks like it has ectoplasm coming out of its mouth.....
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Steve thought it was groovy. I worry about him.
Anonymous's picture
Interesting and useless fact alert! Nearly all dalmations are deaf owing to the amount of selective breeding that was needed to get them to look the way they do. Poor things.
stormy pretzel
Anonymous's picture
I know primate. It has always made me laugh that people rant on about genetic engineering, protest about animal testing and firebomb the cars of staff at HLS, yet they adore the mutant dog show that is watched by millions and sponsered by chum, pal or whatever matey name food the protesters feed their badly looked after animals on. jean
Anonymous's picture
I only clicked on this thread cos I thought it said Damnation :) Im so tired
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
sorry about that Fey. It was actually by my mum!
Anonymous's picture
Todays one by Liana's really pretty, innit? *spring is in the air tra la* Well, somewhat premature, perhaps...
Anonymous's picture
awwwww ta :o)
Spag man
Anonymous's picture
I hate anything fluffy like dogs and flowers. Why not stick a bleedin' poodle with tulips coming out of it's ears!?
Anonymous's picture
theyre not flowers, theyre HERBS *grumbles*
Spag man
Anonymous's picture
They all natural. NaturaL things are fluffy to humans. I HATE FLUFFYNESS!!!! Leave herbs and flowers in the earth as they were intended. * grumbles back at Liana*
Spag man
Anonymous's picture
*grumbles some more* And don't take pictures of them. They hate that, you know.
Anonymous's picture
tho points out that todays pic, is a gloriously pink n fluffy Livingstone Daisy *tra la la*
Anonymous's picture
.... even if it IS upside down *glares at Emily* :o)
Anonymous's picture
Well, I think it's very...er...startling, Liana, whichever way up it is!
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
It's upside down and stretched cos it wouldn't fit in the box without messing around with and it looked weird when I stretched it and it was the right way up. Sorry darling :-(
Anonymous's picture
They all look weird when stretched and the right way up, Em. Unfortunate fact of life...
Anonymous's picture
messing wiv me art..... *does damian hurst style pout* :o) I forgive you
Anonymous's picture
Mwahaha, I corrupted the subject of all the posts after mine. (still tired)
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