My Brother's Keeper

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My Brother's Keeper

I found this story by ed_bruce via the Random key. If you're reading this Ed, I just wanted to say I think you really captured the tragedy and waste of alcoholism. The only thing I can think of to improve this story is to get rid of this sentence: "I close my eyes and think of better days". There's nothing wrong with it, per se, it just seemed a bit clumsy and I don't think you need to lead into the flashback. The story will make sense without it.

I don't know if you're writing from personal experience but it certainly read that way.

Other Talers, if you haven't already read this, go and have a look (if you like).

Ed Bruce
Anonymous's picture
Thanks for those comments Miles. I think I agree about that sentence being superfluous. The piece was easy to write since it is simply a true account of my last meeting with my friend and I was hoping the honesty would come across. I have been in the 'recovering alcoholic' category for a few years now. I appreciate your time and trouble. Ed.
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