Michael J Fox

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Michael J Fox

The ‘Back To The Future’ movies are three of my favourite films, the second instalment, although probably the weaker of the three, rocks as far as I’m concerned; I love all the ‘time-space continuum’ shenanigans with Marty McFly and Doc Emmett Brown zipping forwards and backwards in time trying to resolve issues that have/could affect Marty’s family.

Back To The Future was Michael J Fox’s big film break and he shot to fame in his role as Marty. The world was suddenly at his feet and boy, did he fly (pun intended). Nothing could have brought him down the earth faster though than the realisation that the annoying twitch in his little finger was not some booze induced tremor but was in fact the onset of Parkinson’s Disease.

In his memoir ‘Lucky Man’, Fox does not look for pity in his predicament, he really does regard himself as a ‘lucky man’ and his affliction ‘a gift’ albeit one that ‘just keeps on taking’.

I don’t usually read biographies auto- or otherwise and with so many ‘celeb’ stories on the shelves, I only started to read this one as I like the guy in the book. I wasn’t disappointed… it’s a compelling story, more than competently told by an actor who could so easily have been a best selling author.


Anonymous's picture
i read that a while ago, and thought it was an outstanding auto-biography, brutally homest about his condition, and uplifting as well, came out really liking him...
Anonymous's picture
Couldn't agree more. I was really dubious, having just read Pamela Stephenson's 'Billy' and being gutted by how awful it was. The Billy Connolly bio ought to be great, there is a wonderful story there, one to be told with humour ... with an analysis of his depression and alcoholism and how he dried up (pun not intended) on stage one night. Pam is not the one to tell it tho'. She skimps some of these details, puts billy's current thoughts into the 10 year old billy's mind. Bangs on about how hard his upbringing was yet tells us so little about him. She is too close. Oops. Back to Fox. I love it when a book surprises you. I started this half-heartedly ... I couldn't be arsed to start Capt. Correlli or Life of Pi and I'd already thrown Shite Teeth across the room a number of times and it was all that was left on the unread book pile. An absolute delight. Couldn't put it down. No ghostwriter's, no sound bites, no 'look at mee', just an honest - and well written - account of his life so far. Now and then, I find myself tapping my thumb against each finger and back again. It's because I am a fidget. I hope.
Anonymous's picture
I heard it (Lucky Man) on the radio some time ago, read by the author. It made me cry, not because it is sad, but because it is human. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
I have always had a serious soft box for Fox, especially when I was going through my 'short men' phase. Last night I watched a little bit of Doc Hollywood but then flitted over the Casualties of War, both starring Fox but completely different things. The man is wonderful to watch because that face of his has such on openness to it, a rare kind of innocence..... The autobiography is a good one - a good person in show biz - can it be possible?
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