hypothetical question

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Anonymous's picture
the guilt for me is that it will be financially detrimental
Anonymous's picture
to the partner?
Anonymous's picture
but isnt a monk/nun supposed to eschew monestary stuff? Or are we talking about the significant other being worse off?
Anonymous's picture
well yes but my half of the money from sale of house would go into the care of my parents. If the religious life isn't for me after all I then have financial stability when I leave. If I complete novitiate then I would divide this between my brothers. I have to sell the house to settle debt. It would leave the other party with enough for a deposit on another place but back at the bottom of the property ladder again.
Anonymous's picture
Just looked up Jude's Dominican link. They've even got a "Sister Webmistress"! Cool. It didn't mention beer, though, Jude.
Anonymous's picture
okay...have discussed the house...the boyf is sitting on the sofa...looking well bad
Anonymous's picture
well.. life has no guarantees... I did it to myself and my ex too. We had to sell the house, and he's in a mingy flat and Im in a mingy rented house, but we're both much happier. Ya gotta do what ya etc etc kid...
Anonymous's picture
Thanks y'all. Flash neither pisstake or mistake... Karl... I'll see if they can substitute soider for altar wine. my brother con says he is behind me 100% and the rest of my family will come round ...eventually... Please pray for me ...I have to go through the whole application and interview process over the coming months j
Anonymous's picture
...he'll be in in a mingy flat and I'll be in a series of convents set in lovely grounds...doesn't seem fair...
Anonymous's picture
Some people have no sense of humour.
Anonymous's picture
mind you he can date others, will still have freedom to party, can reach into the fridge for a beer any time he wants, eat when he wants, and party all night, which I will not be able to... two sides to every coin
Anonymous's picture
be quiet
Anonymous's picture
could it be that boyfriend reads abc threads? if so ... threads could be employed to break a variety of bad newses ...
Anonymous's picture
Define normal for me please, I need to know into what category I fit.
Anonymous's picture
Life AIN'T fair, Jude, if it was, I'd be a multi-millionaire 22 yr old, 6' 2", blue eyes, six-pack, fighting off hordes of voluptuous nymphomaniacs. As it is...well you don't wanna know, trust me, I'm a failure.
Anonymous's picture
my boyf or rather ex-boyf is allergic to abc..in fact he blames you all for my demise
Anonymous's picture
Well I think I'm normal...if you thing you're normal, then you are normal
Anonymous's picture
Oh ok well i hope everything works out for you...........er...........don't you have to like give up things.............like.............really important things?
Anonymous's picture
Life isn't fair but we can make judgements to add fairness to our little corners of the world. I'm a voluptuous nympho and can arrange to have you fight me off
Anonymous's picture
Is being a voluptuous nympho entirely suited to a monastic life?
Anonymous's picture
actually its not strictly monastic...its monastic and apostolic. Celibate chastity is about living a life of freedom and being sexually intergrated not repressed ...but I will have to curb the nymphomaniacal tendencies!!!
Anonymous's picture
Can he not buy you out of your share of the house that way you both win? It's seems a bit of a strict lifestyle Jude, I know I don't know you but my impression is that you have such an active imagination and quick wit, won't you go mad in a convent/temple type situation? Why not become a minister and get a lovely manse...better plan. have you tried going on retreats - Findhorn community do a 12 week thingy where you can live in spiritual harmony, supposedly, with others of the same mind. I'm going on their experience week in June - for some peace and quiet I hope - what about something like that to start off with - or are you past that already? Although I'm a bit worried about the sacred dancing - I'm not that kind of gal and feel I'll be forced to do a Ricky Gervais Office type dance while the full metal hipies are skipping...oh dear, no hope for me in this spiritual quest...oh, they have a workbook called the Quest which is supposed to help you sort out what you really want...a snip at £49 how's that for enlightenment:-) I do think it's a worthwhile thing to explore before jumping in at the deep end with a sackcloth Findhorn Foundation, if you search you'll find it on google or some such I'm sure... Iona community as well - they are looking or staff, did you see my other post? To Missi - you sound a bit down, no man is a failure who has friends...now ring a bell and an angel will get some wings...
Anonymous's picture
Sorry for being slow but is this is a pisstake .........or a big mistake
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
I will give the option of him buying me out with enough to cover my debt upfront and the rest paid over time...not sure he can afford it ...but the offer will be there.
Anonymous's picture
Oh spit it out Flash
Jeff Prince
Anonymous's picture
Thank you, George, for destroying the mental image I had of you. Jude - can you afford to be without Heat magazine on a permanent basis?
Anonymous's picture
...I don't read "heat" Jeff. Purple haze; I have been on retreat to Iona...In fact I have been on 4 retreats every year for the past 9 years. It isn't jumping in...the period of discernment with community usually takes about a year before you enter (I have been in touch and visiting them for 6 months) Having learned from past mistakes, communities are very care ful to make sure you will fit in and have the right motivation. Liana; aposolic means going out on various active ministries such as teaching, counselling, writing, working with the sick etc.
Anonymous's picture
Jude... what about us.. your lost sheep at ABCTales. Are you going to desert us too?
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Jude, we're old mates so I'm sure I can be frank. First of all, you don't have a hope in h..., sorry, there's no chance in the world of you looking like one of the two postulancy or novitiate ladies on the website, so don't kid yourself. You will be a knockout in a nun's outfit! Secondly, how are you going to disguise the smell of brewing your own Soider? Seriously, mate, follow your heart. Like everything else in life, it may not work out, but you'll regret it all your life if you don't give it a bash. And who knows, you might end up with seven children dancing and cycling over hills in the Austrian Alps and marrying a handsome old sea captain and all that other great stuff.
Anonymous's picture
But I don't know you Jude...


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