Troubles never come singly/(Skydolphin)

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Troubles never come singly/(Skydolphin)

Nicoletta/Skydolphin, what ever your name is... heheheh..

Troubles never come singly....Cool little story. I liked it!

You get a Denver Cherry, I don't care what the others think!

Anonymous's picture
Hi Denver, my name is Nicoletta, I'm glad you liked Troubles never come singly. It's the fourth part of my satirical story "Wear your Collar". Thank you very much for your Cherry!
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Some amusing little moments in there. It sounds like absurdist television. I liked the ending: Nobody understood the meaning of his last lecture and why their beloved professor had been dressed like Tarzan while he was lecturing. Some of the girls commented quite favourably on Michel's gymnosofistical appearance. His last almost hysterical remarks were: “Make cigars not war” and “Wear your sunblock”. He then gripped a rope that was hanging from the ceiling and with a big leap he disappeared through the swinging doors screaming as only Johnny Weissmuller could. But I'm not sure about 'gymnosofistical' as an invented(?) word - do you mean gymnastic with a touch of sophistication or something..? I've also seen your way of using just the hyphen/dash to mark speech before, most notably in a novel published in America recently. Is this a style which is becoming increasingly common? It would save a huge amount of hassle if I reverted to that in my writing. I've never attempted to write humour, and admire anyone who gives it a try.
Anonymous's picture
Hi Emma, thanks for reading the fourth part, gymnosophistical is not an invented word, just a rare one. It means a philosopher practicing nudism.
Anonymous's picture
About the hyphen/dash thing, I find it more direct and more lively, alert and energetic.
Anonymous's picture
Ah, interesting word. Yes, I like the dash thing in some circumstances, as you say above - more energetic somehow. I don't think it works so well for other, perhaps 'deeper' conversation scenarios. Interesting to consider the visual aspect of writing for a change.
Anonymous's picture
What attracted me the most about this story was the way it was told. I felt like I was reading a nurse fuzzy wuzzy story or something, and like it was written to be spoken aloud. It would be excellent to present it that way. I've seen the hyphen/dash thing before, there's nothing wrong with that if it's consistent. You've convinced me to read more of your work, which I just haven't noticed until this story. There's so much to sift through on ABC.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
I like this truly weird series. Cherry duly awarded!
Anonymous's picture
Good man - Tony!
Anonymous's picture
I can only promise that it will get weirder. Thanks for the Cherry Tony!
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Joyce uses the dash thing all the way through Ulysses. I've occasionally fancied it, it makes the dialogue seem closer and more immediate. I think Saramago ditches all punctuation apart from full stops in his best pieces and it makes the reader tackle it as though someone were reading it aloud to you, gives it a real texture.
Anonymous's picture
I could not find this word anywhere. Great Word! gymnosophistical, would that be like...? Aquadextrous The ability to turn the hot & cold water knobs on the bathtub with either feet.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Okay, The only reference I can find on Gymnosophism is from antiquity, Ancient Rome, etc.... and only the reference, not a definition. Where did you find this word? This word is getting better by the moment hehehehehe...
Anonymous's picture
where did I find this word? I'm Greek!
Anonymous's picture
Ahhhh, the mystical power of the Greeks to find ancient and seldom used words from antiquity and put them in odd stories about Tarzan impersonators in Universities... I should have known better than to ask. You get a Double Denver Cherry, just for using that word.
Anonymous's picture
Radiodenver, thank you for the Double Denver Cherry. Please read the 5th part. I just edited it and.... well... you'll see...
Anonymous's picture
by the way have you read the other parts? my favourite is 'Caviar to the general'. but a friend of mine likes 'Holy Macaroni!'. Thanks again!
Anonymous's picture
Okay, I read part 5 and I'm hooked.... Something tells me you're having a struggle with your religious belief (if you have any). Some of this sounds like Sigmund Freud talks with Adam & Eve while they smoke marijuana. Can you e-mail me the entire series? I need some good reading for Mexico.
Anonymous's picture
Hey Dolphin, regarding Dentistry: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Caramels and canned tuna! My faves! ta!!!)
Nicoletta A. Po...
Anonymous's picture
is it canned and not tinned? thanks Andorra!
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I'm not looking it up, but Gymnosophism suggests to me - mental gymnastics - rigorous argument or self-delusion?
Nicoletta A. Po...
Anonymous's picture
Gymnos means naked/nude in Greek, but I can see why it suggests to you 'gymnastics' ! [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
I prefer tinned - but canned can can-can canned
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