Record companies guilty of anto social behaviour?

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Record companies guilty of anto social behaviour?

Camden Council is trying to serve an Anti Social Behaviour Order (Asbo) against big record companies, which could put them in prison for up to five years if broken.

Imagine that, Sony and EMI slopping out...

Any thoughts?

Anonymous's picture
Wish it *would* stop them.
Anonymous's picture
well these companies do save millions with all that free advertising, maybe they should contribute towards the clear up, they'd still be quids in, woudl get good community kudos....
Anonymous's picture
Rather ironic that these same companies sue music lovers for 'saving' a few quid by down loading the very same stuff they are saving millions on by using 'illegal' advertising. I hope the greedy bastards get 20yrs on Devils Island with no other entertainment than Morrissey to listen to.
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