A Phrase for Life

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A Phrase for Life

Okay, you know those quaint little embroidered framed maxims that people sometimes have over their mantelpiece, with like a quote from the Bible or something twee and inspirational on them? If you had to have one (doesn't have to be embroidered - it can be spray-painted, neon, whatever) what would it say? What phrase or quote or piece of homespun wisdom would you put on it? Why?

Mine would be the verse off my crapola business cards that no one can read:
Look thus upon this crumbling world,
A star at dawn, a petal in the breeze,
A bubble trembling on a dreamer's lid,
A star at dawn, a petal, and a sneeze.

Any offers? 'Shit happens' and 'Don't eat yellow snow' are already taken, btw.

Anonymous's picture
It takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face. -Despair.com
Anonymous's picture
"Treasure those special moments Of intimacy, laughter, kinship and hardcore pornography" "Remember I am always with you Even when I am a lump of putrid decaying flesh" "A feather of the breeze of life, poised to make you sneeze" "Many a mickle makes a muckle"
Anonymous's picture
Before you start a fight with someone, try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.
Anonymous's picture
My brother and I swap fantasy bumper sticker suggestions and this is my favourite of his. Surrealist's car, "my other car is a vague feeling of unease." My sewn motif would read, "if it aint broken, don't fix it. If it is broken swear and hit it with something heavy."
ely whitley
Anonymous's picture
thats very funny Rokkit best so far
Anonymous's picture
How about bumper stickers...they are really popular here?
Anonymous's picture
Don't think mine would fit on a bumper sticker. Unless you were driving some kind of crazy giant car. Or was that some really surreal saying?
Anonymous's picture
Noooo...I was asking if phrases on bumper stickers were okay, we have all kinds of bumper stickers over here.... like... Don't like my driving...dial 1-800-eatshit or My kid is an honor student at mickey rooney high school. or My kid beat up your kid the honor student at mickey rooney high school. or My kid is an average student at mickey rooney high school. or Noboy gives a rats ass about your kid nor his high school.
ely whitley
Anonymous's picture
this too will pass
Anonymous's picture
I really like the Zen Buddhist principal of expecting the unexpected and so I'm fond of the Boy Scouts' motto "Be prepared".
Anonymous's picture
"We are here to help each other through this thing, whatever it is."
Anonymous's picture
My favourite bumper sticker was an antipodean one - "Grow your own dope.... plant a Pom today." [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
I am probably on the wrong track as usual but here gos Do unto others ect ect... Laugh and the world laughs with you weep and you weep alone... My head is in the clouds but where the rest of me is thats anyone gess... Don't have a hell of a day have a good one... Find a kind word to say to someone every day... Dreams are made of this??? Don't fall over your feet as your head will follow... Never!! fall asleep on an augment... When you reach make it for the stars... Don't break someones heart as next time it could be yours... All ye who enter here beware be very aware...
Tom Saunders
Anonymous's picture
Avoid fools and estate agents.
Anonymous's picture
If you think education is expensive try ignorance.
Anonymous's picture
Do unto others as you do to yourself (ultimate life rule to make the world a better place I reckon... just imagine it...) or, perhaps less sincerely (yet just as 'often') It's my party and I'll cry if I want to....
Anonymous's picture
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one wrong turn. A person needs two things to get through life: someone else to look down on and a really good excuse. Justyn Thyme 1998 Heard tonight on one of Michael Palin's travel shows (Chicago saying): A punch in the mouth is worth a thousand words.
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