writing comedy on request

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writing comedy on request

i write parodies of songs and if u tell me what song u want me to write a parody of i will write it in my comedy crackups column

Anonymous's picture
Can you do "The Marriage of Figaro".....and "The Unchained Melody" would also be pretty funny as comical.....all the bleeding hearts would skin you alive for those one's?
david floyd
Anonymous's picture
Yes, all those bleeding heart opera fanatics. They must be stopped. It's political correctness gone made, I tell you.
Anonymous's picture
Lola Mumbo
Anonymous's picture
Any Robbie Williams song. What a sickly man! :)
Bob Roberts
Anonymous's picture
NOOOOOO! I won't have you calling Wobbie Williams sickly! A coked-up, arrogant, shirt-lifter, yes. But not sickly. Chin up, angels!
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