The 100 Sons of Samia

Another long fairy tale about a woman who gives birth to 100 sons and their quests and battles.

The 100 Sons Of Samia - Part 1

Who remembers Agumen the first except that he was defeated by the sons of Samia?

The 100 Sons Of Samia - Part 2 - The Quest Of The First Quarter

Abakwa was not confident that they would ever succeed in finding the mysterious object of their quest

The 100 Sons Of Samia - Part 3 - The Quest of the second quarter

As Amekwa said with a sigh, “All we have found so far is that we are lost".

The 100 sons of Samia - Part 4 - The Quest of the third quarter

Numandwa and Agajona had bickered ever since they were infants because, out of all the hundred sons of Samia, they were the least humble.

The 100 sons of Samia - Part 5 - The Quest of the fourth quarter

Beyond the outermost fringes of the dense, dark nameless jungle lay “The Vast Sands”

The 100 sons of Samia - Part 6 -The return home and a new journey beginning

It was the custom of the Imekana people to prepare a celebration for the warriors returning from their quest

The 100 sons of Samia - Part 10 - The tribes of the East and the South

Rather than seeing them as heroes, the peoples of Orinka and Desula were afraid of the power that the hundred sons obviously wielded.

The 100 sons of Samia - Part 11- A battle is fought and a nation is born.

The sun had not yet risen when Kagukagwa and Mawmiwa came into the land of the Tetrapi which was now governed by Samia and Ekuan on behalf of Hamaga.