
Poetry and prose old and new.

New Strangers

We sit like bookends Avoiding stare The haunting tick of the clock Rings like bad tinnitus. Frozen in fear or humiliation New strangers in this world. Silently bound by past

Afternoon In The Park

I come to the park where no-one’s around The bell chimes two in the echoing town Still it seems to me that chaos is near Above, in the sound of the birds I hear.


A response to: “We’re all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars…” – Oscar Wilde. The Gutter was real, but Stars were my muse;

OId Photographs

The sky opens upon a thousand photographs a tiny river of time, dusty spreading into an ocean of existence. Reflected in the river in its sparkle a patchwork of moments

Wednesday Afternoons

The day your skin became softer We'd found fire instead of heat And beautifully on that encounter The only thing ticking was heartbeat. The day your kiss became smoother

The Morning Bus

I always sit a few rows behind you. You definitely notice me now. We share a journey, this silent intimacy most mornings, 7.17 till 7.47. No-one in your life sees you like this.