the unpleasant side of abc

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Anonymous's picture
A wartime code machine Sadbelle? How quaint. Actually a lot of the trolling is very funny, some acerbic, some abusive, but always of interest, if only as a 'whodunit'.
Anonymous's picture
OK Missi. Anyway, you know I really like your honesty & you speak your mind & I have emailed you, but not to give abuse. When you troll, it's often tongue in cheek and we know who you are, at least I do. There are some who troll, say nasty things & we never know who they are. At least if you say something to me that I don't like, I can email you. Others have emailed me for the same reason. We will get fed up with each other, but I leave my email on so anyone can say what they want, as long as they are willing to take it in return.
Anonymous's picture
Having just re-read my last post I realise that it appears it was ALL addressed to Sadbelle when in fact I only really meant the first four words for her, the rest was directed at no one in particular and everyone in general. Sadbelle has indeed mailed me in the past and very nice she was too, and I have reciprocated. (She IS a bloody pain when she gets on her footbawl box though)
Anonymous's picture
Missi, I forgot to tell you that Arsenal beat Chelsea yesterday, so Flashy won't be out to play. Will you darling?
Anonymous's picture
Well that all depends on what games you have in mind, honey.
Anonymous's picture
I thought she meant a long winded variation by Edward Elgar.
Arsene Wenger
Anonymous's picture
All the games I play involve balls
Anonymous's picture
She just talks balls.
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, I get the impression she's all talk.
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, I meant an enema. Start talking to you lot & all I get back is a load of crap :-D
Anonymous's picture
And what gives you that impression, Missi, based on what may I ask? Flashy, are you calling Mr Wenger a woman? I talk balls, footballs and my team is sitting on top of the league.
Anonymous's picture
I think he's very in-between
Anonymous's picture
On the basis that you do a lot of it sweetheart. Someone like me would notice that.
Anonymous's picture
Yes, I do talk a lot, I believe you do as well. Yes Flashy, he's in between top of the league and heaven
Anonymous's picture
The difference is I don't just talk :-)
Anonymous's picture
just curious, Well sherlock, I'm glad you missed me. I wasn't aware that forum rules demanded I be available for interagation; I was just out having a life. My name? Andy James Edwards Age? 19 Anything more? If you ask me, your the one who's mission is to "stir things up". By the way, what's your e-mail address? ":-)"
Anonymous's picture
That's just it Andy, there ARE NO forum rules. We're all treated as responsible people and left to treat each other accordingly. Of course we're NOT all responsible and that's what sets this site apart from the others. Unless the irresponsible break the law or become libellous the management leave us to resolve our own differences. Sometimes it seems like a battleground but it would be a good idea if all those nations that battle each other with guns and bombs were made to settle their differences as we do, even on our forums. It's also amazing that the threads that seem to cause the problems are also the most popular in terms of posting. I guess it's a bit like the movies, the nastier the movie the bigger draw it is at the box office. It's a sad aspect of human nature that sex, violence and general mayhem sell.


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