World Away by nt

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World Away by nt

I've read some truly excellent work since we re-opened for business - but this one took my breath away.

nt is a new writer to us, I think, but he/she seems like a gem!

Try this one out:

Anonymous's picture
Tony I agree, this is excellent writing, imo, too. A skillfully wrought piece. I'd made up my mind this was being told from the perspective of someone already dead, but unaware, so the ending was a surprise. Yet the confusion in the speaker is so very subtle and 'right' in retrospect. This is how it is in reality, I think. I find the author's take very believable. Something about the style brought to mind the novel Remember Me, by Trezza Azzopardi (whose gifted writing is luminously poetic and mesmerizing). Nt is a writer to watch.
Anonymous's picture
Well it is really a good writing from nt. But now the third comment in this forum post is a bit sarcastic (IMO). If the person posting the comment can't appreciate such good writings then the person should stop passing such remarks. I understand you are free to pass comments but no personal attacks (I repeat) no personal attacks in any form will be tolerated (at least by me) to who so ever it is meant for. You may consider me as the moral police in this site. (self styled) Anshu xxx
Anonymous's picture
I was browsing cherry picked tales and after reading this one came straight into this forum to rave about, it so I'm glad to see you guys got here first. I agree the sense of dislocation and confusion was perfect. With out explaining anything the reader gets the feeling of the character really well. I wish I could do this, I tend not to trust my narrative and resort to treating the reader like an idiot. Really lovely bit of writing nt.
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