constant reader

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constant reader

I'm not sure if constant reader is a man/woman or machine. I favour the latter, having read Lonie 29 to Lonie 40 in ten minutes. I'm estimating 2000 words a story 22 0000 words. Was never very good at arithmetic, but that is impressive. I also like a bit of feedback. So how was the story for you constant? And can you tell me a bit more about your writing?

ooh - maybe it was a ghost? I am looking forward to reading them once things stop happening quite so much


I've certainly no complaints about you not reading insert. My complaints would be more to do with you not haven written anything, cause I miss your writing.


Hi CM. Quite embarassed that I've only read the first couple of Lonnie, but between Christmas and New Year I'll definately catch up. Have a good one mate.


don't be daft jolono. I wasn't angling for more reads. I was just annoyed, at the time, the cavalier way my work was treated. It works both ways my friend I've not been keeping up with your work either. Us writers are selfish bastards!