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the other thread seems to be locked, can't reply on it, so i've started another one

How is everyone doing
what are you writing about
how many words

started slow this year, had last weekend off, but blasted out nearly 5000 over the last 2 days so on target

word count 10243 as I type

No plot

It's basically about one man's struggle to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days

So post it on here so that we can all read it!
I am almost past the 10,000 word hurdle. I am already exhausted, and there are still 23 days left. I like what I'm writing. If you want to have a look, Tuoni is here: I also feel like I'm cheating a little, as I am using an old story that after much thought, I decided was more of a synopsis. Although, I am already far more involved than the story ever suggested. And something really horrible is about to happen to the dad. The original story is here: How's everyone else doing? I've got most of you buddied, so I know Maddan's doing okay. I think Enzo's had a cold - you feeling better yet? Pepsoid forgot to start. :) I don't know about anyone else. Maddan, you usually post your nano effort, you going to this year?
Maddan, you usually post your nano effort, you going to this year? I'm not terribly happy with this year's so probably not. I'm managing to keep the wordcount ticking over but it just won't take off so to speak. I'm off on a four day drinking trip to Edinburgh tomorrow which will knock me quite well behind - hopefully not too far to catch up again.


'I'm off on a four day drinking trip to Edinburgh tomorrow which will knock me quite well behind - hopefully not too far to catch up again.' Or it might inspire/provide new material? :-)
How are you doing with yours, Ewan? I haven't got you buddied, so I can't even check on the site.
nearly at 14000 words now it's not really about anything, yet i seem to be able to write a lot about not a lot...
About the same as you, Lisah. My writing name on NANOetc is Umbung think I'm going to hit a wall soon.Keeping up with yours on here... Atmospheric.
I'm really enjoying Ewan and Lisa's on here - the rest of you stick it on too! I see nancy am is just starting hers - now that's going to be a challenge.
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
I've passed 10,000. Struggling because I was ill with a bastard of a cold but I'm determined to make it up over the weekend. I will put it on here in a bit. I'm not happy with it at all. Like everyone else this year (except Lisa!), I'm lacking direction. Being ill and the time out from that has meant I've been in a super-rush when I have had the opportunity to write. Last year I had the whole thing plotted. This time round I had a loose plot but drifted from it almost from scene one. I'm still enjoying it though. How can you not? I wrote about a guy accidentally castrating himself (well, nearly) moments before getting crippled in an RTA. And I've got another guy who's seeking to prove that no matter what maths says, in reality there is less chance of 1,2,3,4,5,6 winning the lottery than any other combination of balls. 1,2,3,4,5,6 will simply never happen, no matter what 'statistics' claims. All good fun. Anyway, I'm off to do some writing. Good luck all! (I promise to read at least some of people's nano's in December, but I really can't during November. I get jealous of either quality or quantity).
past 21000 now, i have posted some on the nanowrimo site, under marty21, if i get the time i'll put some on here
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Martin - I've just read your excerpt, even though I promised myself I wouldn't read others' work during November. I'm glad I did. I was in a really shitty mood about how I'm lagging behind, and you've really cheered me up. What you're doing is fucking great and I don't say that lightly. Please let me read more.
cheers enzo, i'll whack some more up, i'll even include you in it, since it is about writing fifty thousand words in a month.
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Yay! Brilliant!
it's up on here now, the first week , unedited, I'll put any comments in it, it's an interactive book now, you appear on chapter eleven.
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. Despite missing three days entirely, I have just managed to catch up with where I should be right now. I've written 5,009 words today. That's 18,396 in total! Okay, it's little more than incoherent rambling, but still... BTW - look forward to reading the bit I'm in, Martin! Enzo..
Excellent to see some other nanowrimo stories being posted. Like Enzo, I'll read them in December, when my time becomes my own again. Lisa
Martin T Fabulous, as funnily deep as something so superficial at first glance can be. 'I know I am labouring the point, that is the nanowrimo way, squeeze every last drop out of a point, then squeeze it some more, in the hope that more words will spill out on to the page. And that spurt has taken me nearly a thousand words ahead of schedule,' Do you think all writers are wankers? Maybe we are: the solitary nature of it and so on. Again, it's very,very funny. Good luck, although you won't need it.
hello nanoers ... i started strongly doing 11k in the first 4 days but then was ill and then had to catch up on my proper work that i'd missed ... but i'm fighting back ... i'm up to 15k today which puts me about 6 behind ... i can catch that up i think .... good for you martin! ... and all you others ... it is actually having the effect of making me fall back in love with writing as i'd hoped so thank you for encouraging me - ben in partic. i'm ivoryfishbone on the nano site so do add me ... i've added a couple of you but i'm finding facebook is prob a better way to keep up with people ... i didn't realise how much the actual support of doing it with others would make a difference ... and bring out my competitive streak too ... good luck folks xxx
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
I'm so so glad this is going so well for everyone this year - even those of us who are a bit behind. It was (mad)Dan that got me into the idea in 2005 - although I didn't do it that year - and I'm eternally grateful to him (but he's still my NaNoNemisis) Ewan's right, and I've been raving about Martin's NaNo to anyone who'll listen, and everyone loves it. He's absolutely captured the spirit of the thing, it's wonderful, funny stuff. It's been a fun month for Ben-the-writer, for Nano and other reasons, and I although I didn't do much yesterday I'm sure I'll catch up because I can't stand losing at anything, let alone writing a poxy 1,667 words a day. Viva la 50k challenge! Enzo.. PS: One of my fave bits from Martin, I hope he doesn't mind me quoting him: Earlier on tonight I saw some kids letting fireworks in my street, I was outside having a cigarette, they walked past me and asked me for a light. I said “you’re too young to smoke” One of them replied “it‘s not for a cigarette” To which I replied; “You’re too young to let off fireworks too, you bunch of cunts”
Yup, I read that part, made me smile as well!
fish - post it on here too if you haven't already - we all want to read it! Good luck and keep on truckin' to you all.
Tuesday 13th an unlucky day in Spain: I'm 200 down on the day and midweek is bad for me, I'll have some catching up to do at the weekend! Keep it up everyone. I'm on nanowrimo as Umbung
ta very muchly everyone, given me the impetus to keep going, i'm experiencing a dark night of nanowrimo - a nano crisis, but have somehow got myself up to 34000 words , so i'll struggle on towards the finish line
'a nano crisis, but have somehow got myself up to 34000 words , so i'll struggle on towards the finish line' Hey, ahead of the game though? Good luck! Ewan
Life rather got in the way there for a bit I ended up not writing a word for ten days. I now have 35K to go, two days of holiday but commitments at the weekend. It's looking extremely unlikely but I am actually now beginning to like what I'm writing.


Dan, There's nothing that says you have to stop at the end of the month. Keep going to your own maddan finish date. :)
i've screwed it ... i've got 16.5k and no hope of having time to finish as i have to mark 45 essays in the next week ... bollocks ... but i HAVE fallen in love with writing again ... i can't wait to do it and feel frustrated that life and work are getting in the way ... have decided to set myself a more realistic goal of xmas and have found another failed nanoer ... a nonoer? ... and hopefully we can spur each other on ... good luck to those still in the game ... xxx
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Sorry to hear it Dan, Fish. Sounds like you've both got something out of it though, and that's the important thing. Tonight was the first night I really struggled too, probably influenced a bit by reading your comments earlier, but also general tiredness and NaNo fatigue. I remember this happened last year, too. It's cos I take a break around my birthday. It makes it hard to get back into after. I scraped the 1667 words tonight, but I'm about 5k words behind schedule, with a rapidly thinning and strained plot. I'm going to plough on and hope it'll pick up later in the week. But for now, sleep. Enzo..
I haven't given up, but I need to average over 3K a day and I'm running low on plot.


Plot? What Plot? ;-)
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, plotting is for December - October! Enzo..
Enzo, I know how you feel. I'm so tired, and I have to go out tonight and tomorrow, and I'm not so sure I'll make the words up. I was exhausted when I finished in 2005, and I don't want to end up like that again. Maybe I'll give myself an extension. :) I'm going to keep plodding, but I'm going to have to back off a little before I collapse! Lisa
what is all this crazy talk about plot? I am near the finish line, nearly 44000, but even with no plot, I'm having problems keeping going, plus I'm not going to be able to do much after tonight until Sunday, but I am going to finish, even if i have to write "the end" 3000 times
Lisa - keep going - I'm really enjoying tuoni and missing my daily chunk! Good luck to you all as you continue to the finishing line. I just wish I didn't have to read all the stuff on here (which takes up my writing time) so that I could join you!
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
A bit of a test ahead in NaNoLand for Dan and I - all a little behind, I think, but it's more than possible from where we are. Still in a good position. Lisa and Ewan are bang on target it seems, 40k each - great stuff! And flying ahead is Martin, although he doesn't seem to have written anything in the past couple of days... The finish line approaches! Enzo..
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Oops, misread Lisa's wordcount... Hey Lisa, as I write this we're about 200 words apart in our wordcounts. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking I really need to be at 40k by Monday morning... Enzo..
Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with this year's nanowrimo - other commitments, etc, getting in the way. But, I will finish, just not this month. I'm going to stretch into December. I like my story too much not to finish. I reckon I should be writing it again come Tuesday, but that doesn't leave me enough time. I simply can't type fast enough. Good luck to everyone else. Lisa
I'm bloody doing it if it kills me!


I'm not going that far, but I'm bloody doing it if my wife kills me! :-)
i couldn't write much last week, out a lot, went away for the weekend, i was reduced to typing a few hundred words a day on my mobile, and emailing it to myself, only 600 words to go now, might finish tonight, more likely tomorrow
You guys are nuts! I tried Nanowrimo twice, and both times I quit after a few thousand words declaring that people who do this are bonkers! ...oh, I forget where I am... Good luck! I hope you all make it!


i'm enjoying the neck and neck battle in facebook status updates between ben and dan ... i'm up to 20k on mine now and really enjoying it - so am still grateful xxx
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Haha - he's going to beat me! Enzo..
Don't count on it. The pub may get in the way.


i got there earlier :-) 3rd year on the trot, an i hugely enjoyed it again, and again feel deflated now it is over, it is a buzz getting there
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
I win! 2nd year for me and what a month. I found it much harder this year than last, the final result is far inferior too but who cares! I wrote 50,000 words in a month! Enzo..
... and so did I. What's slightly scary is that I wrote 40,000 of them in the last 11 days.


Did it. Loved it. And there was even a plot! (of sorts) Wonder how many holes there are in it. Anyway well done Enzo, Maddan, MartinT, and anyone else who makes it past the finishing post. I'm off to drink beer. Ewan
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Yay! Good one Ewan! I think that's it for the ABCNanoers, is it? Good to hear that those who didn't finish have something to continue to develop - that's probably more valid than the 50,000 words of crap I have. Mine certainly *won't* be getting developed into a proper novel, but I'm sure there are bits I'll be able to use elsewhere. Once again the ABCers do themselves proud in NaNo. Enzo..
Somehow, I don't think I'm going to write 15k in the next 24 hours, so I can safely say I didn't win. But I really love my story, and once I get some other commitments out the way, I'll be finishing the book. And well done to everyone who finished!


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