The most intelligent creature in the world

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The most intelligent creature in the world

Could it be the plankton?

The worst that can happen to the plankton in its physical existence is to be swallowed by a basking shark or a blue whale and spewed out the other end. Nice.

What do you think?

Ah, that's pretty neat, but can plankton predict football results like Paul the psychic octopus?
How very dare me right enough. Imagine that, the mere thought of confusing the psychic Paul with the psycho Paul is enough to make me run for cover
Actually the idea of being eaten and excreted daily does not suggest to me that plankton have exactly got it all their own way...sounds like working for my old boss


I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Douglas Adams on this one. Dolphins have definately figured things out.
Gees we have a psychic octopus here too! I wonder if it speaks Spanish and other languages??? I can't remember it's name but I am sure it is an IT and not a Paul. I think the whales are the most clever- they eat the plankton... but then Japs eat whales. Maybe just nobody is clever at all. Life on another planet?
how about the humble cockroach: they survive almost anything!

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

Whatever virus got me down two weeks ago still seems to be having a merry old time.


Jeremy Clarkson? Gees what a creep I am..
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