What do you expect out of a creative writing website?

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What do you expect out of a creative writing website?

What types of features do you expect a creative writing website to have?

Where do current creative writing websites fall short or cause problems?

What steps of the writing process should creative writing websites support or extend?

If you could add one feature to this site, what would it be?

Disclaimer: I am not developing a competing creative writing website. I am simply developing a prototype (not fully functional) for a class project. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Free doughnuts would be nice.


1. The features ABCTales currently has (comment sections for feedback, forums, competitions, reading recommendations, links to social media) 2. I'm not famous yet. 3. The adaptation of one of my sickly little poems into an epic blockbuster with fire and guns. 4. I would like fatboy to recieve free doughnuts. Disclaimer: this is not designed to mock, I was trying to think of a serious answer, but found I could only be mildly constructive on point 1. Oooh actually: One feature I'd add to ABC is an in-site notification system instead of the email notifications.
More cherries, more comments, more free doughnuts for fatboy. Fame for ItsSteveDave. And for me. Essentially ABCTales does fulfil a lot of what you need from a creative writing site. But it can also be a victim of its own success. Cherries are welcomed with open arms but the lack of cherries causes despair. One person's friendly community is another person's impenetrable clique. Also as FTSE pointed out recently, the more people that post the more quickly stories disappear. I put a story up a few weeks ago and almost immediately three people put up a trilogy of stories each and mine disappeared. That's just the luck of the draw though. Not sure what can be done about that.
I'd like to read entries in Chinese- Mandarin or whatever. I don't understand Chinese but it would be nice to have them along.
Not overly commercial with a crass points system that coerces people into commenting just to earn more points. I prefer good honest silence. As Alex quotes FTSE, a solution to the rapid disappearance of stories - perhaps a site with only one author, or a 'Top 70,000 Read' function. I don't think there's much wrong with this site. In terms of social barriers, you get out what you put in. Beats incentive schemes anytime.

Parson Thru

I like the idea of free doughnuts, only I;m not allowed to eat them so... 1. easy to load boxes for creative writing with comment boxes below as in here. 2. Clear definations of what goes where. Poetry or stories, here its jumbled which works too! 3. Writer's pages/blogs - with full writing list on them - perhaps more developed than here. 4. perhaps a system of top stories of the month. to encourage writers to try it out anonomously, so that people you wouldn't believe write can. 5. Freebies: group memberships (if school site why not extend into group readings/meetings) you can put the doughnuts in here.

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!