Prose Pentathlon Anthology

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Prose Pentathlon Anthology

Hey everyone,

I've been away from the site for a while as life keeps getting in the way.
I was wondering if there was any news on the Prose Pentathlon, when it will be ready. I've got me Mam chomping at the bit to buy a copy!

Hope everyone is well and writing. I hope to be back with some stuff in a few weeks, I'm at the business end of the season with an O.U course so when thats all done I can get on with some stories.

All the best

Looking forward to reading more work, and, welcome back. Richard LP
Richard L. Provencher
Cheers Richard. I've got a story that is sitting on the shelf in its second draft but its having to wait as I've got my End of Module assignment for an O.U. course to write first. I'm going to try and read some other peoples work over the next few days and weeks to keep my hand in though.

M. Dugdale

I'll find out when it will be out! Cheers, Tony