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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe Ocean of Life suz211 years 8 months ago
StoryClanger! (I.P.) Silver Spun Sand1411 years 8 months ago

My stories

Cherry Tree in the Garden

I've a cherry tree out in the garden Was thinking of cutting it down Cause now it's not producing and looking all whithered and brown But since I started this writing

Just Believing

She was here on earth An angel held in my arms All pink and covered and screaming - Just relieved, was the feeling The first of my second Child of my Child It was love at first sight

The Sneak of the Milk

Don't shake, that precious inch All soft and thick and creamy, just sitting there Just squeeze a thumb down, by mistake! Then pull the top back, and take a lick..


I read the clouds tonight A boat with three oars and with only one person in the boat, sailed into my vision

The Ocean of Life

How easy is it to sail through life? The Great Ocean of our Dreams and Expectations Impossible - Unless you are devoid of emotion and feeling - Each one of us born out of love or lust!
