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I have 132 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 419247 times and 192 of my stories have been cherry picked.
977 of my 4,415 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1062 votes

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Assorted writers' groups, the odd anthology, occasional readings.  Lots of looking out of the window.  Hello, and thanks for dropping by.

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Readings of Episodes One and Two of the Pad Life Journals are now available on Sound Cloud:   More to follow!





977 of my comments have received 1062 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Beautiful poem, Penny, really

Posted on Wed, 17 Jun 2020

Beautiful poem, Penny, really captures the child in all of us.  Definitely in need of some magic at the moment.

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Posted in "Could It Be Magic?"

1 Vote

Going to cut this one out to

Posted on Sun, 14 Jun 2020

Going to cut this one out to keep, as we used to say in old fashioned times.  'The perish of groynes' - among so many wonderful phrases, this one took me right into the scene.  So much sadness, and a small, tentative, desperate hope.  Marvellous...

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Posted in Shark Eye Shell

1 Vote

So enjoyed this.  I loved the

Posted on Fri, 12 Jun 2020

So enjoyed this.  I loved the bits that anchor it so well, like the impossibility of policing the keeping of people who have transformed into pets.  So funny, and so perfectly reasonable.  Great story.

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Posted in The DJs Who Turn into Swans

1 Vote

It's nice to know that there

Posted on Tue, 09 Jun 2020

It's nice to know that there are still some decent people around.

Re 'selling sand to the Arabs' - the fact that you've raised a query about it indicates that perhaps you're not totally happy about it yourself?  I know we have other...

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Posted in The Bathroom Window.

1 Vote

Fascinating.  As I was

Posted on Sun, 07 Jun 2020

Fascinating.  As I was reading it I was thinking 'Samuel Delany, I hope one of these links refers to Samuel Delany' and there he was, included in the book list in the very first link!  He is one of my absolute heroes, and the book on the list,...

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Posted in Afrofuturism - Speculative Fiction. A re-imagining of self.

1 Vote

As others have said, hope

Posted on Mon, 08 Jun 2020

As others have said, hope that you're OK, Jane.  This is brilliant, I was particularly held by the phrase 'the rubble of yesterday'.  That is exactly what it feels like.


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Posted in Grief is a Shower of Rocks

1 Vote

I hope you have your old lady

Posted on Sun, 07 Jun 2020

I hope you have your old lady kitten for a while yet.  They do indeed stay in your heart, even when you can't see them any longer.  

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Posted in Iriecat

1 Vote

Well said, Ewan.  It's easy

Posted on Mon, 01 Jun 2020

Well said, Ewan.  It's easy to become speechless with it all, but this is a reminder that we really, really shouldn't.

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Posted in No-one

1 Vote

Absolutely marvellous.  The

Posted on Mon, 25 May 2020

Absolutely marvellous.  The transmission of corruption indeed.  Reading this has helped bring a bit of focus back.  Really feel on the point of just throwing hands up in the air and saying 'You know what?  Just let them get on with it.  I'll stay...

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Posted in Olympian Dreams

1 Vote

Thank you Stephen - if you

Posted on Mon, 18 May 2020

Thank you Stephen - if you don't mind, I'll take that for my epitaph.  Entertaining and odd in the best kind of way.  I can think of nothing better.  I might add 'Much enjoyed', but it could raise questions from my kids.  

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Posted in Doll
