Bryan Skylar

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I have 11 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 13092 times

Bryan Skylar's picture
Chad Fleagle

My stories

Bloodrush: Threshold of the Partaker - Pt. 1

His world remains in balance, the pain of other worlds sustaining it. Now, the balance has been shifted and threatens too destroy his world.

Sacred Harbor Island - Chapter Two

THREE DAYS LATER Jacob had been on the road two and a half hours and still had another hour to go before he reached the island, but he didn't mind, he had a lot to ponder.

Children of the Light - Part Two

"What is the meaning of this outrage?" Elder Masterson asked. "If It is not the old man himself. You never could stop that mouth from running."

Sacred Harbor Island - Chapter One

The phone rang, repeatedly. Jacob Skylar awoke from a dead sleep and reached for it. "Hello?" A woman's terrified voice: "Jacob! Help! You've got to help us!"

Crimson Tear

A Vampires seeks his prey.
