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I have 550 stories published in 26 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 531972 times and 288 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 75 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

mcmanaman's picture

I'm John. I live in Norwich and write poems and books and for the radio. My first full poetry collection Most people aren't that happy, anyway is published by Nasty Little Press. You can take a look at it here.

My stories

Things don't last forever, boys from Blue

Things don’t last forever, boys from Blue Occasionally it’s okay to print off a voucher instead of always paying full price, I know it’s not very...

Sad eggs

Sad eggs. I am abroad thinking of all the times we were abroad. It's a special thing, going somewhere you've never been with someone you have baths...
Gold cherry

Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Dave Webster

Bored of celebrities giving their kids unusual names Gwyneth Paltrow calls her next daughter Dave Webster. She looks so beautiful. Beautiful Dave...

There's a lot of it going around

'There's a lot of it going around' I say to a policeman who is in my flat telling me the ginger girl upstairs has been threatened by an ex-boyfriend...

The Silver C Class Mercedes Saloon.

There was a car on fire so I changed my way home from work but as I walked and people behind me poured a two litre bottle of water shouting 'We need...
