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I have 288 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 251490 times and 26 of my stories have been cherry picked.

narcissa's picture

My stories


You know what goes on In the dark midnight world That is your mind It haunts you Day and night You toss and turn While the visions play Like broken...

When the darkness conquered*

The day the darkness came I was hidden under my bed I knew Somehow What to do How to speak Where not to look And what questions not to ask The day...


Immortal and immortal Ever entwined in the dust of death Lights sweep those icy bodies And leave them to weep The world, spinning on her axis, does...

The fountain of life

Don't break that spangled cobweb of stars In this tangled messed up world Where sleeping ceases What does the blind man see when you tell him of the...

X- my lips are sealed

For steph
