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I have 39 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 22827 times and 9 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Whatsername's picture
Nonika Hendrickse Vagliviello


My stories


Theres a reason why the phoenix flies so elegant and bold It's the way the flames heat and intensify the gold. And when we see them emerging so triumphant from the fire


My selfish tears fall not for you, For selfish tears will not suffice, As a fitting celebration For such a woman, such a life. For every time I speak with you Is friendship in the Orchid room.

She deals hope

Like a beacon or a lantern, how you shine How you shine How you demonstrate the power that is yours Could be mine How you weather and stand tall against it all And when you fall


Tempers Fly Babies Cry Friendship lasts Passion won't Fingers mark Kisses don't Love is blind


Never throw your pearls to swine. Be careful whom you ask to dine. Be vigilant and never doubt, Better to starve than go without. Better to know the ones you kiss
